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"Wake up, princess," Is what brings me back into consciousness. When I open my eyes, Tony is standing over me, "We're here."

I breathe in through my nose, looking around at my surroundings. Natasha just got up from the passenger seat of the jet, stretching as she twists her neck. Clint is collecting his arrow and quiver from behind the seats. We met earlier after he woke up from his nap. He was actually surprised to see me. Apparently, no one expected me to come along.

I learned somethings from this flight. Like for one, Tony is a massive egomaniac, but somehow its endearing. I trust him, even though I barely know him.

I learned other things. Things that are actually important, I guess. Tony Stark doesn't have super abilities, but he goes by Iron Man. Apparently, he's a billionaire genius who creates 'revolutionary' tech (his words, not mine) and has a suit that he uses. He was the man in the video flying around in the metal suit. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton are super spies, basically - so also not super people. They go by Black Widow and Hawkeye and were also in the video.

I also learned about what they're specialties are and a little bit about them, since it was a long flight. But then I fell asleep.

I unbuckle my belt, standing up next to the spies and the genius. The door open and then I'm standing in front of the New York City skyline. "Holy shit."

Theres a grip on my shoulder before Tony speaks up, "Let's go. You have a lot of people to meet."

I nod, trying to pry my eyes away from the city, but its really hard. We walk inside and Tony starts talking out into the air, "FRIDAY, tell the team to meet at center point."

"Sure thing, boss," a random voice echoes around us, making me flinch and look around, "Um, who was that?"

"That's FRIDAY," Natasha says from next me, "She's Tony's AI system. If you need help with anything you can just talk to her, she'll guide you through the problem."

I nod. A random talking robot lady that I can't see. Casual.

We walk towards to the elevator and go down, which feels weird. I haven't been in an elevator in years.

We exit the elevator and walk a little bit until we enter a room where there are couches shaped around a table. There are four men and one woman sitting and talking when we arrive, their attention turning to me.

They all stand, before a very muscular dude in a tight blue shirt and jeans reaches out his hand. "Hi, I'm Steve."

"Adelaide," I shake his hand, looking at everyone else. Steve continues, "This is Bruce and Sam. And these are the twins, Pietro and Wanda."

"I'm going to try my best to remember your names, but no promises," I give an apologetic smile, which they return. The man introduced as Bruce speaks up, "That's alright, Adelaide. You'll have time to get to know everyone."

"There's more of you?" I ask. I was expecting this to be it.

"Yeah, unfortunately," Sam sighs, which makes me laugh.

"Oh, Thor. I didn't know you were still here," Natasha says. I immediately recognize the name from when Stark showed me the video. When I turn and greet him I gasp quietly at his size. His arms alone are the size of me, and he's even rocking a cape and some kind of weird armor. Someone takes the mantle of superhero far too seriously.

He holds his hand out and I go to shake it, but he brings it up to his lips and kisses my knuckles. My cheeks flush, because I'm not going to even pretend that he's not incredibly attractive. His long blonde hair is tied back and his eyes are so striking that that alone could probably kill whatever villain he's up against.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now