twenty seven.

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"Daisy is completely sway free," Jemma says, showing us her brain scan, "Her brain is back to normal. However, she is suffering with withdrawal symptoms because of the addiction like feeling the infection had."

"Is she going to be okay?" Lincoln asks, "With that and the blood loss?"

Lincoln had told me one night a few weeks back that he used to be an addict. He was an alcoholic and almost killed himself when he decided to drive one night, but Afterlife saved him. I hope he can help her through her withdrawals.

"She'll make a full recovery," Jemma smiles, but I can tell she's not saying something. "What is it Jemma?"

She sighs, motioning to Fitz. He sits up in his seat and starts typing on a computer, "Well, this is purely hypothetical but based on what Daisy told us about Hive's new pathogen-"

"We think we know what he plans to do with it," Jemma finishes his thought.

Fitz picks back up, "If he can create some sort of shock wave, then Hive can potentially infect a significant percentage of the human race - turning them all into swayed Inhumans."

That's not good. Really, really not good.

"If and only if he finds a way to disperse it high enough into the atmosphere," Jemma adds. Okay, so we're not totally doomed yet.

There's a short silence. "He has a way," Talbot says quietly.

We all look at him, confused. He scans our expressions before saying, "He stole something from the ATCU in Indiana. It was a warhead. A fully functioning warhead."

"And you're just deciding to tell us this now?" Coulson shakes his head.

"You kept your secrets and I've kept mine, Coulson," He bites back.

"What the hell do we do now?" Bucky asks.

"I'm going to go search the missile launch facilities in the U.S. around the location Daisy said Hive is stationed at. See if any of them went dark within the past few hours," Talbot says, taking out his phone.

He leaves the room and Coulson rubs his forehead, "Okay. I want Mack, May, Natasha, and Barnes to go wherever this thing is."

He looks at Yo-Yo, Lincoln, and I, "You have the option to join, but you'll have to wear these." He walks to the other side of the lab and pulls out three vests.

"And what are those?" I ask.

"Suicide vests," Lincoln shakes his head, "In case we get swayed."


"Hell no," Bucky says immediately, "Do you even hear yourself? We can get the rest of the Avengers here to help."

"Buck, you know they went on another mission," I say, knowing what has to be done. Cap called us earlier to tell us that there has been suspicious activity with Fisk and that there were Inhumans holding people hostage in the city. They're all occupied.

"So we go alone," He states.

"Just the four of you?" Lincoln shakes his head, "Against Hive and who knows how many people he's turned into his minions? No, you guys need us. You need our powers."

"But if they get swayed, they're not going to blow themselves up," Nat points out.

"That's why they're not technically suicide vests," Coulson says, holding up three objects that look like watches, "You press that button three times and say the code word 'Hunter', the vest explodes."

"So you want us to kill them," Bucky runs his hands through his hair, pacing.

"Buck," I say quietly. He looks at me, "We have too."

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