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"Adelaide, this is Director Phil Coulson." Tony introduces me to the man with a friendly face in a suit, "Coulson, this is Adelaide."

He reaches out his hand and I shake it, shocked at how cold it is, considering he's wearing a glove, "Your hand is freezing."

He smiles, pulling his sleeve up past his wrist, "It's metal."

Why does everyone have metal limbs here?

I nod, "Makes sense."

He continues to smile, before stepping to the side, showing the four people behind them, two men and two women.

"This is Agent Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Dr. Fitz, and Dr. Simmons," he introduces them, "FitzSimmons are going to run some tests and add you to the index."

I nod, understanding but really, really nervous. I glance back at Bucky, who hasn't left my side, stepping closer to him. He puts his hand on my lower back subtly.

"Lincoln and I are Inhumans," Agent Johnson says, "We thought it would be beneficial to talk you through some things."

My eyebrows rise, "Ah, my brethren," I try for a joke. It lands when they laugh.

"Alright," I open myself up, extending my arms out to my sides, "Poke me."

"If you would follow me, Ms. Morris," Dr. Simmons says and I instantly correct her, "Please, call me Adelaide."

"Okay, Adelaide," she says, her silky British tone as comforting as her smile, "My names Jemma."

"Nice to meet you Jemma," I smile. She motions for me to lay down on a table, which freaks me out a bit. I do as she says, feeling a hand on my shoulder as I lay down. I look up at Bucky, a slightly concerned look flashing his features for a moment, before he is back to his stoic default. "Are you alright?"

I nuzzle into the cold, hard table. "Yeah, this is easy. Totally not scary at all. I'm all good. Swear."

He shakes his head, smiling, "Alright, Ade. I'm going to stand in the corner over there. Stark will yell at me for being in the way."

"You don't have to stay here," I suggest. He nods, "I know. I want too."

Fine by me.

I give him a smile before he does as he says and stands in the corner, his foot propped up behind him on the wall he's leaning on. He looks at me and catches my staring, throwing a wink in my direction, which makes me grin. It's nice having a friend in here.

Jemma speaks from her station a few feet away from me, "Fitz and I are-"

"Going to scan you first," Fitz finishes her sentence. Ooh, he's Scottish. "You're powers are nature driven, yes?"

I nod, "Air and earth."

"Fascinating," He puts his hand to his chin, speaking quickly, "So, you can summon branches and vines? What about trees? Does the foliage come out of you or are you only able to use the ones around you-?"

"Slow down, Fitz," Agent Johnson says, putting her hand on his shoulder, "Give the girl some breathing room."

"Sorry," he mutters, before going back to Jemma's side. They're so cute together, I wonder if they're dating.

"My names Daisy," She folds her hands in front of her as she stands over me, "I can imagine this is weird."

"Very," I say, "I'm freaking out a bit."

"Well, no vines seem to be appearing so I'm taking that as a sign that you know how to control your powers?" Lincoln asks.

"Yeah," I agree, "I lived on a lake with no one around me for miles," I look up at the sterile white ceiling, "I had some time to figure them out."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now