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I knock gently on the door of the Parker residence. "Peter, can you get it?" I hear a female voice from the other side of the door say.

I look over my shoulder at Bucky, who is standing there on full alert. We triple checked that no one was behind us when we walked in, but I know he's anxious. I am too. We just need to get Pete and go.

A few moments later, the door opens and Pete stands there in a blue flannel, beige sweatshirt, and jeans, his brows furrowed.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asks.

"You need to go pack a bag," I put my hand on his shoulder, "We'll talk to May."

"Wh-What?" He questions. Bucky steps up, "Pete, just go."

We walk in past him, the small apartment cosy and quaint. A young woman comes in from the kitchen, a dish and towel in her hand.

"Oh, who's this?" She questions.

"Hi Mrs. Parker, I'm Adelaide and this is Bucky," I introduce ourselves. "We're uh-"

"Avengers, ma'am," Bucky finished my sentence, obviously seeing that I'm struggling with how to identify ourselves. Stark said to be honest with her, so I guess here goes nothing.

I nudge Peter, urging him to go. He nods and disappears down the hall.

"What's going on?" May asks, concern on her face.

"There's someone who's after us and we think he's going to go after Pete first."

"What?" May gasps, obviously not understanding whats happening.

"Wilson Fisk," Bucky tries to elaborate, "We think he's assembling a team of Inhumans. Peter is the one who put him in prison and Peter was the first to be attacked by this new group. We just want to bring him to the Tower for safety reasons until we get a handle on this."

"Oh my god," She puts the plate down and brings a hand to her head, "Yeah, okay. Obviously. Does he know?"

"No," I shake my head, "We're going to tell him once we're back at the base. He tends to get jittery under pressure."

She laughs, "Yeah, I guess he does."

"Tony wanted me to tell you that he will call you once it's safe," I mention. She nods, "Okay. Thank you."

Peter emerges from his room, a backpack strapped to his back. "Where are we going?"

"The Tower," Bucky answers, "We'll catch you up once we're there."

Pete nods obediently, "Is May going to be okay here?"

"Your identity is a secret, yes?" I ask, to which he nods, "Then so is she. Everything will be fine."

He nods, kissing her cheek before saying good-bye, "Be safe!"

Once we walk out of the apartment, Bucky speaks into his com, "Got Pete. Heading back now."

He turns to Peter, "We're undercover. So no superhero talk, okay?"

He nods, "Wait. Do-do I need to be undercover?"

I furrow my eyebrows, pointing to him, "You are."

"Oh!" he laughs at himself, "Right. Right."

We get outside the building, Bucky on high alert as usual. He takes my hand like before, Peter on the other side of me with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Once we get off the subway, Peter speaks up, "Guys. Spidey sense."

I feel my breath get caught in my throat, "Buck?"

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now