twenty nine.

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I haven't spoken a word since Bucky was taken. Haven't looked at a soul and haven't muttered a syllable. All of my energy is focused on finding him before they do anything else.

Once we get to SHIELD, I push past everyone who greets us and head straight towards the line of rooms that have become all too familiar these past few weeks.

Once I get to Daisy's, I open the door and storm in, my back teeth grinding so hard that I feel like they may break.

She looks up at me, shocked. "Where is he?"

"Who?" She shakes her head.

"Bucky," It hurts saying his name, "Where are they taking him?"

"I don't- I don't know-"

"Yes you do, Daisy!" I shout, tears falling onto my cheeks. I throw a gust of wind out of anger and frustration at the desk she is sitting by, causing her to jump, "You know their plans. They wanted me. Where would they take me?!"

She stutters again, overwhelmed. All patience I had has completely evaporated, "God damn it, Daisy, where the hell are they?!"

"Wyoming, probably!" She yells out, shaking her head. Tears brim over her eyes, "Fifteen minutes south of the mining town. T-That's where Radcliffe created the virus. It's a warehouse, has cement rooms-"

I huff, before running out of the cell and upstairs. Everyone is still by the hanger, "Wyoming. They have him in Wyoming."

"How do you know-"

"Daisy said that's where Radcliffe made the Inhumans. That's the only property they have. We have to go."

"It's probably a trap-"

"I don't care!" I shout, "We have to go before they turn him! We have to try!"

Cap taps his foot, biting his lip, "Okay. You're right. Adelaide, Peter, and I go. The rest stay here. If Anastasia said that they have a plan to extract Hive then you're going to need as many hands as you can get."

"Agreed," Coulson says. The three of us rush back out to the jet where two SHIELD agents are already stationed to fly. Cap gives them the location and they take off immediately.

I tap my foot anxiously during the long 20 minute flight. No one bothers talking to me the entire time, but I can feel their eyes.

Once we start our descent down, I wait by the landing strip eagerly.

"We go in, we split up and find Bucky," Steve says, "Stay on your com."

We all nod and take off once the door allows us too. I burst down the door to the facility and everyone enters before splitting up into the multiple halls.

I run into those damn homemade Inhumans everywhere I go, but I vine them up easily to the walls and floors and continue my search. I open up a room and see the layout is the exact same from my vision.

"These rooms are the ones from the vision," I say, taking in a shaky breath, "He's here."

This just lights a fire under my butt. I vine up double the amount of Inhumans and I'm opening up door after door. I'm getting frustrated.

As I'm letting out an annoyed groan, I think I hear a scream.

I stop what I'm doing, listening to see if I just made it up. When I hear it again I take off in a sprint.

I get in front of a door that's in a long corridor all by itself. I lean my ear up to it and hear a man speak a Russian word. Shit.

I try to open it, but it's locked to no ones surprise. I stand back and gust it open. I just walked into where my vision ended.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now