twenty two.

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I pull some pieces of hair from my pony tail to frame my face. I hadn't curled my hair in probably a decade so Jemma had to do it for me. It also took me some time to put on the makeup we had. Mascara, concealer, eyeshadow, bronzer, blusher, lipstick, yada yada. I like wearing makeup a lot, it was just a huge luxury I couldn't afford. But let me tell you, mascara is a game changer.

Once I'm done with my hair I step back and look at myself entirely. I'm wearing a black dress, black heels (which I feel like is going to end up being a bad thing), some necklaces, red lipstick, and my hair in a high ponytail. I can't even remember the last time I dressed up this much.

When I walk out of the restroom, I go over to Fitz and Mack who are playing around with some tech. Fitz turns to me, "Here."

He hands me a pair of black framed glasses. I look at them skeptically and then back at Fitz.

He looks at me, "They're going to let Mack and Barnes see what we see. You just have to tap the right side twice," He taps on the glasses, causing the image to appear on the computer they set up. Oh, it's a camera. "And we're good. They'll be able to tell us if there is any kind of scientifically enhanced humans there."

I nod, tapping on the glasses so they shut off. "Got it."

Mack stands up, looking over at me for the first time, "Oh. You look nice."

"Thank you," I smile. Then the door of the room opens and Jemma and Bucky walk in chatting.

"Alright," Mack says. I glance at Bucky who is staring at me already, his eyes wide and biting the inside of his cheek. I look back at Mack as he begins to talk, "This room is our rendezvous point. If we get Radcliffe-"

I jump in, "We bring him back here."

"And if something goes wrong-"

Jemma cuts in this time, "We meet here."

"Good," He nods, looking off to the side. He looks back down at us, "Cause I'm not ready to lose another teammate today."

"We'll get her back, Mack," I put my arm on his very, very large arm, "I know it."

He nods, giving me a half smile.

"Okay, let's head out," I clap, looking at Fitz, "You got the mushy soggy eyeballs?"

"They aren't mushy or soggy and yes," He rolls his eyes, "Let's go."

Mack sits back down at their little station and FitzSimmons head out the door, me behind them. Before I walk out, I feel Bucky's hand grip my shoulder softly.

I turn around, giving him a small smile. "Come-"

"Back breathing," I finish his sentence. I glance over his shoulder and see Mack focused on his computer and over my shoulder to see FitzSimmons out of the room. I lean in and press my lips to his for a few seconds. When I pull away, I give him a small smile, "I know."

I go to walk away but he stops me one more time, whispering this time, "Don't think the dress won't be brought up later."

I shove him, laughing lightly and walking out of the room, closing the door behind me.

The three of us walk a few blocks down to where this party is. "You guys ready?" I ask.

"As I'll ever be," Jemma sighs. I know the two of them don't do much field or undercover work, so I really have to make sure that nothing goes south here.

I take lead and walk inside first, walking down a flight of concealed stairs and through a curtain into a huge room with people very nicely dressed.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now