twenty four.

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"Ready to comply," Bucky says in English, no longer trying to break free of his chains. He sits up in his seat, his vacant eyes locked dead ahead of him.

Tears fall from my own eyes as I watch a man walk into the room and remove him from his restraints. The man opens the door that leads to the room I'm in before leaving.

I gulp, this time not making any motion to try and get to him. I know better. I know that he's not in control. I know that Bucky Barnes would never hurt me, but the Winter Soldier would.

"Enter the room," A voice rings out through a speaker. The Winter Soldier strides through the door, stopping once he sees me.

I want to hide the panicked and heartbroken look from my face, but I can't. I'm scared of him. I'm terrified of him.

"Kill her."

My eyes widen as he comes at me quickly, "No, no-"

His hands grip my neck tightly, the same hands that ran down my body lovingly the night before. I struggle to breathe as I try to caress his face, "It's okay, Buck. It's okay. I'll be okay. I promise."

I know that he can hear me. He's told me multiple times that he remembers everything he's done, everyone he's killed. He'll never be able to live with himself after he's killed me.

Right as I feel the life leaving my body and my eyes fluttering closed, a calm and soft voice rings through the speaker again, "Stop."

His hands release from my neck and I suck down air. The oxygen stings my throat as I back away on my hands from the man I love.

He stands up slowly, walking over to the other side of the room. Then, Peter is thrown into the room. Beaten up in his suit, his mask no where to be found. He stumbles on the ground, looking up at me and then the Winter Soldier.

"Stand back from him, Pete," I choke out, "That's not Bucky."

Peter stands, slowly moving away from him, "Adelaide- W-What's going on?"

"I don't know," I say. Then, a tall man with dark hair that I've only seen in photos waltzes into the room, a long brown coat covering his body. Hive.

I force myself to stand, "Let them go. You just need me."

He looks at the two men I care the most about, before back at me, a smile on his face, "You're right. I just need you."

With that, he puts his hands on both of their shoulders, cries of agony coming from their lips. "Adelaide!"

Their skins starts melting off their bodies as I scream louder than I ever have, my throat feeling like it's being ripped apart, "NO! God, please no!"

I fall to my knees, covering my eyes, not being able to watch the two people I care about most in this world being killed in front of me.

When I look up, I just see two piles of bloody bones in their places. I heave heavily as I sob uncontrollably, "Bucky. Pete. Oh, my God. Please, no." I can feel my heart cracking in my chest. I feel like I'm going to die. I want to die.

A string of screamed profanities leave my lips as the man saunters over to me slowly, bending down and lifting my chin to look at him. My jaw clenches as I stare into his eyes angrily. "Your sacrifice is appreciated."

"My sacrifice?" I ask slowly, through gritted teeth. I stand up and gust him with the most powerful wind I have, screaming as I do so. He peels himself out of the hole in the wall I made for him, before straightening his jacket.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now