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"Bucky, can you explain what you saw?" Bruce asks. We're all sitting in the lab, Buck going through some standard tests to make sure he's alright, which he is.

"Nothing really fit," He sighs, "Someone was falling but whoever they was pulled a chute. There was a forest fire and I saw Pietro run into it. I saw a green building explode and Natasha and someone else that I couldn't recognized was thrown back from the blast. It was dark out, so I'm assuming it was sometime in the night. I saw uh-" He clears his throat, "A body on the ground. They were in a room that was connected to a hall. It looked like there was hole in their side."

"Was there an age, or gender?" Steve asks.

He shakes his head, "It was the quickest one. I was trying to run towards them but I couldn't get there in time."

"Anything else?" I ask. He looks at me, his jaw clenching. He hesitates for a moment before shaking his head, "No. No that was it."

"How did she get away?" Bruce takes off his glasses, rubbing his eyes.

"It's like she just disappeared," Natasha sighs in frustration, her hands on her hips.

"I'm really sick of being two steps behind this douchebag," Stark shakes his head, walking out of the room.

"Tony," Steve calls out to him, following behind. I look back at Bucky, seeing him pick up his jacket and stand up. He walks out next, not saying anything as he does. My brows furrow as I chase after him, "Buck, wait."

He stops in the hallway, not turning around to me. I stand behind him, looking down at my feet, "You're hiding something."

"Why would you think that?" He answers, still not looking at me.

"Call it an instinct," I answer, "You can tell me, you know. If it's bad maybe we can stop it."

"I plan on stopping it," He looks back at me over his shoulder, "Whatever it takes."

He starts walking away, "Bucky, come on!"

He acts like he doesn't hear me as he goes down the hall to where Steve and Stark went.

"Seriously?" I try once more, but he disappears into another room.

I huff, shaking my head and heading to my room. I get changed into a tight tank top and spandex, putting on a pair of sneakers and putting my hair up in a bun. I head for the training room, going straight towards the punching bags. I wrap some tape around my hands and put in some headphones, going to town on this bag thats done nothing to me at all.

I'm completely zoned out until a familiar face pops up on the other side of the bag, making me jump when he catches it.

I'm breathing heavily as I take out the headphones, "What's up, Pete?"

"I need help," He says quietly. "Girl help."

My brows raise, "Girl help?"

He holds up his phone, "I like this girl and she asked if I wanted to hang out during break but obviously I can't leave here but I don't want her to think that I don't like her and I don't know what to do-"

"What her name?" I smirk, causing his cheeks to redden. "Michelle. Well, MJ."

"MJ," I tighten the tape on my hands, still out of breath, "Peter and MJ sittin' in a tree-"

He groans loudly, heading for the door, "Forget it."

"Whoa, slow down, Pete. I'm just kidding," I laugh, grabbing his wrist, "I'm guessing she doesn't know about your night job."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now