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Without another word, we all make our way to center point, the place I met this team. I feel my heart racing thinking about the identity of the man who tried to rip it out. The inside of my lip becomes rough as my teeth chew through the skin.

When we all arrive, Director Coulson is standing there with Stark. No other agents are here, which makes me curious.

"Who is it?" Bucky asks immediately, "Do we have a location?"

"Slow down, soldier," Stark comments, causing Bucky to tense next to me. I take his hand as a way to calm him down, but also to calm me down. He interlaces his fingers with mine, stepping closer to me so our hands hide behind our backs. No one knows about how close we've come over the last week, although it's obvious that he's the closest friend I have here.

"His name is Dr. Andrew Garner. He is a psychiatrist that was brought in to evaluate some agents and help with Inhumans."

"I see you did a thorough background check," Barton says sarcastically.

"Andrew is a close friend of ours and the ex husband of one of our most devoted agents," Coulson snaps, "He was given some books belonging to Jiaying and we think there was a Terrigen Crystal trap inside. After Terrigenesis, he was given the prophecy to fulfill."

"To kill Inhumans," I confirm, looking down at the ground. I can't imagine what that agent is feeling.

"Andrew was a good man," Coulson sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He tried to kill Adelaide," Bucky sneers, his grip on me tightening.

"You of all people should know what being brainwashed make a person do," Coulson fights back, causing Bucky step forward in anger. I pull him back, looking up at him, shaking my head. His nostrils flare as he breathes in deeply. His jaw tightens as he keeps to himself.

"What is your plan," Steve diverts the conversation, "How are you going to capture Lash?"

Before he could answer, his phone rings. "Coulson."

His features become instantly worried, his shoulders slumping and pressing his phone harder to his ear as if it can improve his hearing, "He what?"

He listens, before speaking again, "Tell me Fitz has a tracker on her."

"Okay, I'm on my way right now."

He hangs up, "He's got our agent. I'm going now, with or without you."

He's already on his way out the door when Cap jumps into action, "Buck, Wanda, Parker, Nat, and Adelaide, suit up. The rest stay here, we don't want to step on SHIELDs toes here."

Excitement but fear floods through my veins as I let go of Bucky and go to follow Steve. "Whoa, wait. You aren't going."

"Excuse me?" I scoff, shaking my head. "Did you not hear Cap?"

"Ade, he wants to kill you," Bucky shakes his head, putting his hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes as he talks, "And he almost did. You can't seriously want to go to him?"

"I can handle myself," I push his hands off of me.

He groans, "That's not what I meant."

"Hey, kids," Stark speaks up, "Enough. You could use her help. She's going."

I nod, clenching my jaw as I look at Bucky before turning around and walking away. I'm not sure why he thinks that he can dictate what I do, but I can guarantee you he can not.

Since I'm already suited up, I go straight to the jet. I'm shocked at how quickly everyone changed into their suits, mostly everyone sitting in the jet already. I sit in between Wanda and Steve, letting out a shaky breath as I buckle a belt around my waist.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now