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Nat is up and moving now, saying she's feeling better. I really think she's broken at least her foot, but she swears she didn't. Bucky had to pick some glass out of my back that went through all of the layers of my clothes, but other than that, a few gashes on my face, and a burned hole through the chest of my suit, I'm good.

Everyone is scouring the area the Inhuman ran too, trying to find a place he was going. Stark called in some SHIELD agents that are stationed at a base over here to pick him up. I wonder how many SHIELD bases there are in the world.

"I really don't understand how these people are up and disappearing," Sam groans, frustrated. "They have to be here."

There's a rustling behind me, so I whip around quickly. My eyebrows furrow as I get closer to where I heard it. I scan the area before I stop suddenly, seeing an imprint in the leaves and twigs. It looks like two foot prints, but not old ones. Like someone is standing there.

Holy shit.

I turn around with a shrug, as if I don't know they're there. Yet, all the air is caught in my throat as I bring up vines. I wrap the invisible woman up, turning back around when I hear her struggle. She phases back into partially visible, only the parts of her that are covered by my vines showing. "Over here!"

I try to cover her entirely, but I can't freaking see her. "Ade, back up! Don't let her-"

Her whole body appears, her face having a wicked smile as she leans forward and grabs a hold of my arm.

A sharp, cold breath is sucked in my lungs as my head flings back and suddenly I'm standing in a dark room. No, it's not a room. It's just a black open void.

I let out a gasp as everything around me moves at lightning speed. Suddenly, I'm in a long hallway. Glass windows on one side of me and a wall of brick on the other. I look around, before jumping when I see Pete running through the hallway, towards me, in his Spidey suit. He's covered in deep cuts, he's bloody, and is terribly beat up. He sounds panicked as he cries out, "Mr. Stark?! Mr. Stark, where are you?!"

I run up to him, trying to calm him down, "Hey. Hey, Pete. What's going on?"

He stops short, looking around frantically and screaming desperately, "Where is everyone?!"

"Pete, I'm right here!" I try to grip his shoulders. The eyes on his mask are wide as he puts his head in his hands, letting out a soft cry. "Pete, don't cry. I'm here. What's going on? I'm here."

I'm thrown back from him and onto the floor. "Peter!" I scream for him as the world around me spins once again. Next thing I know, I'm in a whole new environment, this time in a forest.

I search around trying to find someone. I see something moving in the distance, so I inch closer to try and make out what it is. My eyes widen when I see a wild fire emerge from the trees, destroying everything in its path. I feel like I can't move, I can't run, I can't do anything. I let out a pained scream and fall to my knees as I feel like my hands are on fire. Suddenly, a trail of white and blue appears next to me, Pietro stopping and putting down Wanda. She hits him, "What are you doing, Pietro?! They are still in there!"

"Who is?!" I shout, stumbling to my feet and trying to get their attention. But just like Peter, neither of them acknowledge my presence. "What's going on?!"

I fall to the floor once everything starts spinning once again. I let out a frustrated yell, "Let me out! Please!"

When I stop spinning, my head darts around to see where I am next. That's when I see Daisy standing there, her skin ghostly pale and her eyes filled with tears as she lets out strangled scream. The world around us starts to quake, lights start to shatter, everything starts to be destroyed. "Daisy? Daisy, what is happening?!" I scream, feeling tears hit my cheeks now. "What is going on?!"

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now