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Mack runs in and Lincoln turns to him, "Where's Daisy?"

"She's safe in her cell," Mack says.

"Which is where you three should be," Coulson says to Lincoln, Yo-Yo, and I.

"Not a chance," Lincoln shakes his head.

"No," Yo-Yo says, "You can give us the vests but we fight."

"What vests?" Pete asks, but the conversation moves on. I over and whisper, "Suicide vests."

He looks at me with wide eyes so shake my head, "I'll explain later."

"She told him everything," Mack says.

"Yeah, we know that but-" Yo-Yo starts. Mack cuts her off, "No. She told him everything. Including the plans to the Zepher."

"And the fact it has high-altitude capabilities," Coulson finishes his sentence.

"Hive has his warhead delivery system now," Steve shakes his head, starting to pace. "That's his new missile."

"And we brought him right too it," Lincoln says, watching at Hive saunters onto the plane cautiously.

"He still looks shaky from the machine," Mack brings up, "Maybe he won't remember how to fly it."

"We can't let Hive get control of that ship," I state the obvious, "We need to get someone in there."

"I can't ask anyone to do that," Coulson disagrees.

"Let me go in," I volunteer, "The gas won't change me."

"Ade-" Bucky starts, but Coulson interrupts him, "No, but it can sway you. I won't let what happened to Daisy happen to anyone else."

"Can you get a look inside the plane?" Cap asks.

"Yeah," Coulson nods, tapping away on his tablet. The feed from the plane pops up and an audible gasp is heard around the room. "Daisy."

Daisy is walking out of her pod that has been lifted into the plane, coming face to face with Hive. "How the hell did she get in there?"

"She designed the cells," Mack shakes his head, "She must of been able to override the containment module and get it to be risen back into the Zepher."

"That's possible?" I gape.

"Apparently," Pete answers.

"Oh my God," Realization dawns on me, "This is my vision."

"I have to get to her," Lincoln says, going to grab one of the vests from Coulson's desk.

I step in front of him, blocking his path, "Lincoln, you can't-"

"I have too, Addie," He urges, "She can't be swayed. Not again."

"I don't think she can be," Peter says. Everyone looks at him, confused.

He sees everyone staring at him and points to the screen, "Look how close they're standing. If he was able to, he would of by now. I think once you're cured, you can't be swayed again."

"That's a pretty big 'if', Pete," I shake my head.

"Wait, do you feel that?" Mack stops us. The floor starts shaking and we all look at the screen, seeing her clenching her fists and starting to scream. This is it.

Everything around her starts being destroyed and the camera goes out, causing everyone to go into panic mode.

"We have to help her," Lincoln repeats, "He may not be able to sway her, but he can still kill her."

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