twenty six.

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"Ade!" I feel my body calm down after a few minutes and look up to see Bucky on one knee at my side, "Ade, Ade- Are you alright? Hey, look at me."

I look up at him, blinking a few times as I do. How could Lincoln do that to me? Just two hours ago he said he would kill anyone who hurt me, and then he does that?

"I'm okay," I croak out. My throat feels incredibly dry and I still have tingles running up my body. "My legs feel weak, I don't know if I can stand."

"Did Lincoln electrocute you?" He asks. One of his hands holds mine while his other pushes hair off my face. I nod reluctantly, "Why would he do that, Bucky? He's my friend."

His jaw clenches as Coulson, Talbot, FitzSimmons, and Nat come running in. "He's gone?"

I nod, trying to sit up. Bucky sees me struggling and sits behind me, putting his legs on either side of me. I lean back into his chest, thanking him for keeping my sturdy until the dizziness subsides.

"Daisy is out of the system," Fitz checks his tablet. Bucky voices behind me, "I'm going to kill him."

I hit his knee, scolding him. I know he just did a number on me but he's still my best friend.

"There's no need," Talbot says, "Because I'm going to call the President and have that thing shot out of the sky."

My heart stops when Coulson speaks up, "I'm afraid I can't let you make that call."

I lean my head back on Buck's shoulder and close my eyes, my head pounding. His hands run up and down my legs and I relax when I feel his chest rising and falling against my back. All this bickering isn't helping my migraine.

"Are you threatening me? After you just let him escape?" Talbot asks, shocked.

"He didn't escape," May's voice rings. I feel Buck tense under me so I open my eyes, seeing her walk in with Lincoln behind her, his head hung low as he takes out the com.

"You have to be shitting me," Buck says quietly. My eyes bore into him as the conversation continues, but he avoids eye contact.

"If he wasn't on that jet that just flew out of here than who was?" Talbot questions.

"Lash." She responds.

"We knew Daisy was listening and monitoring our every move," Lincoln says, looking anywhere but at me, "So we couldn't tell anyone. She had to believe it was all real."

"I communicated with him by leaving messages on his food trays," May says. I laugh lightly to myself. I knew something was up with that. I guess I'm starting to think like a spy.

My eyes finally meet Lincoln, his expression sad and guilty. He walks over to me but Bucky barks, "I wouldn't. I'm already having a hard time not knocking you out cold right now."

"I'm so sorry, Addie," He says, crouching down at my level. I start to sit up a little but Buck's arm snakes around me tightly, "I didn't have any other option."

"I feel like you did," Bucky says.

"She wasn't supposed to be there," Coulson says. I look up at them, "Sorry. Thought I was saving a friend."

"The plan depended on Daisy listening to everything so that she'd trust me and believe that I really wanted out," He says, still not looking away from me. I bite my lip, an internal battle going on in my mind.

"You had me fooled," Talbot speaks up. Same.

"Even though I wanted to, I never trusted Daisy. Not under Hive's control," He looks up at everyone, "I knew she wouldn't be the one who would greet me."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now