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"How are you adjusting, Adelaide?" Wanda asks me. We're currently in the kitchen of Avengers Tower, having a late night snack. I'm not sure how this kitchen is always stocked but it's a big difference from how I've been eating the last few years. I forgot how much I love cereal.

The SHIELD agents left a few hours ago after running more tests. They had me do a bunch of strange things after taking my blood. Like scanning me with this device as I used my powers and asking me tons of questions about them in general - like how the colors of my flowers change with my moods and all that.

Currently, some of the team is out on a small mission investigating and visiting the man at Rykers with scissors for hands that Peter fought today. He said he emptied three vials of web fluid pinning him to the wall because he kept tearing out of it. I would of loved to see that.

"I'm okay," I shrug, drinking from my glass of water, "The time differences are catching up to me. And this place is a lot different from my house."

"I understand," She nods, sitting cross legged on the counter. We're both wearing baggy sweat pants, tank tops, and zip up sweatshirts. I walked into my room after being a lab rat to a closet full of clothes. I would be lying if I said it didn't make me tear up. I can't help but feel so lucky.

"Pietro and I went through a similar situation after we departed from Sokovia," she says softly, "I felt guilty living here while half of my people perished."

"Did you ever get past it?" I question. I like the idea of living here, especially with these people.  They've been really accepting of me. I forgot what it was like to have people around me and I really like it. I've been alone for so long.

But on the other hand, this place is so out of my comfort zone. None of this is anything I've ever experienced, even when I had a home and lived with my mum. We couldn't afford much at all, so forget about luxuries like cable or internet.

"It took a little while, yes," She sighs, "But fighting among friends is the best feeling. I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"I guess I just feel like I'm imposing," I shrug, "I've worked for everything I've owned my entire life. Having clothes and food handed to me just feels..." I breathe in through my teeth, "Wrong."

"Wait until your first fight," she says confidently, "You work for you spot on the Avengers. Saving lives is going to become your job."

An unexpected smile comes to my face. I'm really excited for that.

Our conversation is interrupted when Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Pietro walk in, all suited up. Cap attaches his shield to his back as Pietro opens the refrigerator.

"Find out anything about Scissorhands?" I ask the men. I feel Bucky's hands on both of my shoulders. I look up at him and offer a small smile. He returns it and gives my shoulders a squeeze.

"He's Inhuman, go figure," Sam says, taking a bite of an apple, "He said he was working alone, but I don't trust that."

"He is definitely not working alone," Steve answers, leaning against the counter with a bottle of Kombucha in his hand,  "He's working for someone. We have to figure out who."

We all nod. I've been caught up on the basics so I want to do my part and help. I feel like I have a lot to prove.

- * -

My eyes open slightly as a blue light illuminates my room. I assume it's just some billboard or sign lighting up the New York City sky and feel my eyes flutter close once again.

That is, until I'm roughly thrown from my side and onto my back, a terrifying creature inches from me.

Everything goes mute as a sunken in black and blue face growls, saliva falling onto my face. He reaches his arm up, a glowing light coming from his hand as his other holds my shoulder down firmly. I don't realize I'm screaming until I feel my throat burn as if I'm swallowing knives.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now