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"Adelaide!" Thor's voice booms as he swings the door of the Tower library open.

"Hey Thor," I grin, closing the book I was reading and standing up, going over to hug him.

It's been five months since Hive was defeated, since Lincoln had died. Since then, Thor had been back and I've gotten pretty close with him. He's a huge teddy bear and a great person. Well, god. I don't know, it's all pretty confusing.

After we hug, he gives me his infamous smile, "There is someone I would find pleasure in you meeting!"

He takes off out of the library and I shake my head with a smile, following behind him. We get to center point and I see a very tall man with long, jet black hair and striking green eyes, black leather with hints of gold covering his body, his cape an emerald green.

His attention turns to me as I walk in, a charming smile on his face. "Adelaide, this is my brother, Loki, son of Odin." 

"I hate to break it to you, but you two look nothing alike," I laugh, looking at the two gods. They're actually polar opposites.

"He's adopted," Thor says, causing Loki to roll his eyes.

Loki approaches me, "It is a pleasure to meet you, my Lady," He takes my hand and bends down, kissing my knuckles.

Oh, that's different.

"Please, call me Adelaide," I smile, "Thor's told me a lot about you."

"All positive things, I would hope," He says, still holding onto my hand. I have to really look up at him, he's so bloody tall.

I shrug, "As positive as you can be when describing a person who tried to take over New York and killed Director Coulson."

He laughs lightly, turning his head as he does so, "Yes, I do suppose this Tower and I have some history."

"Hey, what's the God of Douchebags doing here?" Tony's voice rings from behind me.

"Ah, Stark," Loki coos, "I would be lying if I said it was nice to see you."

I look back and see Bucky and Steve have also entered. Loki continues, "Thor was just introducing me to the very lovely Adelaide."

"Uh oh," Stark comments, "Barnes, you better watch out. Flora has a thing for bad turned good guys with long brown hair."

I roll my eyes, "Stark, don't you have some 'revolutionary' technology to go create or something?"

He waves me off, "Science can wait. Hey, did he tell you about the time he got Hulk smashed? Go on, Loki. Tell 'em."

I roll my eyes once again, looking at Bucky who's laughing at the situation, "You ready to go?"

He nods. He's wearing a grey sweatshirt and black jeans and boots, a pair of sunglasses pushing his hair back on his head.

I turn back to Loki, "It was nice to meet you."

"Likewise, my Lady," I give him an awkward smile, before going on my toes and kissing Thor on the cheek, "Have a safe trip back. See you soon."

Bucky has his hand extended for me so I take it and the two of us walk out of the room and make our way towards the exit of the Tower.

Once we get outside, the warm summer air engulfs us. During our little trip to Romania with FitzSimmons and Mack, we decided that we liked going out and walking around together, like normal people. Doing domestic things is fun when you're with the person you love.

So, now we make it a point to go out as much as we can. It's hard, since people know who we are and will stop us, but it's okay. I like meeting people and I love spending time with Bucky.

Today, we're going to Brooklyn. Bucky likes to go back to where he came from, explore the new city. I like Brooklyn too. I could really see myself living there one day.

When we get off the subway, we make our way out onto the cobble stone streets, not having a particular destination in mind.

He tugs on my hand, "You okay? You're very quiet."

"Yeah," I smile up at him as we absentmindedly walking to Brooklyn Bridge park. We stand by the railing and look out onto he harbor, "I just never thought I could be this happy."

He pulls me into his side, rubbing his hand along my arm, not saying anything. He leans down and presses his lips onto my head. I look up at him, "I love you."

He smiles, the lines by his eyes crinkling and the small dimple that's masked by his stubble peaking out, "I love you, Ade. More than you could ever know."

Just as we lean in and his lips gently graze mine, we both hear someone land behind us. We both turn, seeing none other than Spider-Man.

"Adelaide, Bucky, thank God! I need your help, a bunch of the most powerful people I've fought escaped including Fisk and they're coming after me and I tried to fight Scorpion but then-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the harbor starts rumbling and a figure shoots out of the water, a fishbowl like helmet on his head. Mysterio.

"Oh come on, I just put that guy away," Peter groans.

Bucky looks at me and I nod, breaking apart from him and pulling my hair back in a bun. I look up at the very pompous man, shaking my head.

A normal life is too boring for me, anyway.

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