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"You're telling me that SHIELD is dealing with an army of Inhumans too?" Bucky shakes his head, "And it isn't Fisk?"

"Their guy is from another planet and embodied an ex agent of theirs that was with HYDRA," Steve explains, "He goes by Hive."

"Casual, casual," I nod, "And Fisk isn't working with Hive?"

"Coulson made it clear that Hive works alone," Stark points out, "Apparently, the parasite is a bit of a narcissist."

"I know another parasite who's a narcissist," I smile at him, causing him to glare at me.

"Regardless," Steve explains, "We should keep this Hive guy on our radar. He 'sways' Inhumans until they're compliant. If he's looking for recruits and can take them unwillingly, he may come for Adelaide."

"He can brainwash Inhumans?" I try to clarify. He nods and I roll my eyes, "First a heart stealing monster and now a mind stealing parasite. Lovely."

"He can only do this to Inhumans?" Bucky asks. Stark answers this one, "He can sway Inhumans but kills everyone else."

"How do we know if an Inhuman is swayed?" Sam asks.

"We don't," Steve shakes his head, "The only way to know is if the person tries to convince someone else to join him."

"So, we need to make sure he doesn't get near Adelaide," Natasha states, "Coulson was saying that they can't find a cure for his sway, so if he gets Adelaide there is no getting her back."

"Let's not jump there," Bucky snaps, "Ade is safe with us. She won't be around Hive."

I nod along, listening to what's being said about me like I'm not even here.

"I'm sorry," Pete sighs, frustrated, "All of this is very scary, but can I just point out that we're not any closer to finding Fisk?"

"Slow down, grasshopper," Tony smirks, "There was a report of a woman who," He puts up air quotes, "'Sent a man into a seizure and now he can tell the future.'"

"That's the woman from the base," Bucky perks up, "Where is she?"

"Alaska," Steve answers, "A place called Anchorage."

"That's the largest city in Alaska! It's in the south central part of the state and is known for its cultural sites. It's also pretty awesome because it's a city that's right next to the mountains and forests, like Talkeetna, Chugach-"

"Okay, so Pete can give us a tour when we get there," Stark interrupts Peter, who stops rambling and gives us his infamous closed mouth smile, "We need all of you to suit up and be on the jet in 20. We finally have a lead and I'll be damned if we let Fisk slip away again."

Nat, Sam, Bucky, Pete, Steve, and I nod. The twins and Vision are still working on that other mission that has progressed slightly, Clint is with his family, and Rhodey is still doing government things. Bruce is also staying here because, well Hulk. Tony mentioned that they would be contacted if needed.

We all head to get suited up, excitement running through my veins. I slip on my suit, summoning a vine around my waist and breaking it from the floor so it's just a belt. I put on my gloves, opening and closing my fists as they compress my arms. I put my hair up in a huge bun on top of my head, the shorter pieces falling out but I don't try to pin them up.

I walk out of my room and start towards the jet, a voice coming from behind me, "Have I ever told you how incredible you look in your suit?"

"You don't have to," I pose, causing Bucky to laugh. We start walking towards the helipad, all of us changing into our suits pretty quickly. When we get into the quinjet, Stark throws a sweatshirt, jeans, and beanie at me. "Put these are on over your suit. We're going to need you and Natasha going undercover where the woman was spotted."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now