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After our meeting about my visions, my sister, and some things Cap, Sam, and Nat found at the base, I decided to roam around the Tower alone for a bit.

I would say I am pretty well adjusted here. I know where roughly everything is, I know what floor is for what, but there is a section of the Tower I've never explored before. The Information and Background Lab. I'm pretty positive that this room discloses all background information on the Avengers and other superheroes. It's kind of like SHIELDs index, but more.

When I get to the room I try and open the door, but it's locked. Looking around, I try to figure out how to open it but come up empty handed. I smile as I talk to my friend, "FRIDAY, how do I unlock the Information and Background Lab?"

"Press your hand against the lit up scanner on the wall," her voice rings. I look at the wall next to the door that is now lit up, my eyebrows raising.

I press my hand to it, letting it scan the entire ligament. This is probably not going to work. I'm sure it's only accessible to higher ranks than me.

The scanner turns green and the door pushes open. Oh, shit. It worked.

"Thank you, FRIDAY," I say absentmindedly, opening the door into the room slowly.

I creep in, closing the door behind me and turning on the light. A large television and a small computer on a desk are the only things in here. This is some lab.

I make my way to the computer, seeing a hand scanner here too. I do the same as before, however this time FRIDAY's voice rings again, "Voice activation required."

"Adelaide," I say, but a negative sound rings, "Access denied."

"Adelaide Morris," I try again. "Access denied."

"Bloom," I try once more. "Access denied."

I huff. Why let me in the room if I can't see what's inside?

I suddenly remember something Tony had mentioned to me a little while back. He only lets Thor see things when he refers to himself as Point Break, which is Starks oldest nickname for him.

My eyes light up, "Flora!"

"Welcome, Flora," FRIDAY says, making me grin. Stark, you little shit.

"Okay," I say to myself, clicking on the list of Avengers.

I don't want to really snoop, but I can't lie and say I'm not curious.

I skim through Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Stark, Sam, and Steve's files first, not finding anything I didn't already know. However, I did find the video of Steve being injected with the serum.

Seeing him go in as a little frail guy and come out as the ripped and much taller Cap that I know now was truly an experience. It didn't even seem real.

After I go through everyone's, I scroll back up to the name I skipped at the beginning.

Barnes, James B.

Oh, screw it.

I click on his name, reading through articles collected about the Winter Soldier. I'm mortified as I read through the things he's done. The people he's killed. But I know that it wasn't him. I know that these things haunt him and he believes he doesn't deserve anything good. I know who Bucky Barnes is and it's not the Winter Soldier.

Right when I think I'm done reading about the horrible things done to and by the guy I share a bed with, a video link is shown.

I swallow a lump in my throat, turning towards the door to make sure no one is coming in.

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now