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"Daisy," Lincoln gulps, inching closer to the pod, "What did you do?"

She doesn't answer, her head tilted in confusion. Lincoln shakes his head, "Oh my God, this is what Hive's sway looks like."

I look back at Bucky. His hair is covering his face as he's knocked cold. The only other person that has knocked him out, that I know of, was Cap. It takes a lot for him to be. That makes Daisy even scarier than before.

She cocks her head to the even more to the side for a second, still not answering. He grips onto the window sill, "Daisy, he's using you! You're- You're sick."

"No," She shakes her head, a small smile on her face, "I'm happier than I've ever been."

His brows furrow, hurt evident on his features. She continues, "You get it. You've felt an emptiness your entire life, like me. We've tried to fill it, but it never works."

He shakes his head, "I found the answer.. and it's beautiful." Her eyes widen, a smile still on her face. She looks insane. "It- It's a bond."

"Beautiful?" I ask, standing up, "People are dying, Daisy! You killed someone in cold blood!"

"Malick?" She asks, shocked, "Malick doesn't matter. He's only trying to hurt us."

Lincoln walks away, his hands running through his hair before he turns back, "Do I matter that little to you?!"

"No, I care about you. I-"

"The Daisy I know wouldn't betray SHIELD, wouldn't throw away what we have!" He shakes his head, "You framed me."

"I'm sorry," She says, no remorse in her voice, "But Coulson had to find his rat so SHIELD could stand down. And you have trouble keeping your temper."

Oh, she did not.

"Really?" He asks in disbelief.

"But I'm not throwing you away," She tries to defend herself.

He chuckles angrily. I don't even try and step in. This is way above my head.

"You-You used that against me?!" He shouts.

"I'm here for you now!" She argues. He laughs again.

"We care about you," She says. Okay, now that's freaking creepy. We both look at her in disbelief. "We could have all of it.. together. Us, Adelaide and Anastasia."

"Anastasia?" I ask, "She's with Hive?"

"Yes," She answers, "We can all be together."

"No," Lincoln shakes his head, "I don't want any part of this."

I speak up, "Me either."

She swallows, stepping back, "You'll understand someday."

She quakes the pad that opens the pod door into the room until it's broken, before leaving the pod and busting that lock too, trapping Bucky inside. Lincoln bangs on the glass, "Daisy!"

He starts breathing heavily, before turning around and shocking everything off of the desk in the room.

"Lincoln-" I try, but he ignores me and throws a book across the room, "Lincoln!"

"She used me!" He turns to me, "She used me for that-that thing!"

"I know," I walk closer to him, "It's not right. But that wasn't her. She's being brainwashed."

"It sure seemed like her," He shakes his head.

"It wasn't, believe me," I say again, looking back at Bucky, "She's sick."

the inhuman. ✪ ‹ bucky barnes › - avengers x agents of shieldWhere stories live. Discover now