Hole in the Wall

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Adam x reader
As well as this would go for Max. This isn't a book about Max. So enjoy it.

I opened the door slowly not knowing what to expect today. I was tired. I didn't have energy to fix or replace something today.

I walk through the door and immediately sigh. I drop my head and take off my shoes and coat. The living room was a mess. Things were pushed, pictures were shattered, holes were evident in the walls. What worried me the most was how quiet it was. "Adam?" I call out. No answer. I walk to the kitchen to check the damage in there. None. So far so ok. I take a quick sweep around the bottom floor before opening up the basement door and calling down there. He wasn't there, which didn't surprise me. Just thought to check. I look at the garage door and shake my head knowing he wouldn't be in there. I walk up the steps slowly while swiveling my head back and forth looking for more damage. A couple of dents here and there but nothing terrible. I get up the steps and open our bedroom door. He was there sitting on the floor with his back pressed up against the side of the bed mumbling to himself.

"Adam." I whisper. He doesn't respond. His phone was open on the bed. I look at him before walking over and grabbing his phone. It's open to twitter and I scroll through some of the tweets and replies. 'Go kill yourself', 'She doesn't even love you', 'She doesn't deserve you', 'Y/N is so ugly and a slut. How could you love her?'. They kept coming. It was about him tweeting about our relationship video. I drop the phone back onto the bed and walk over to Adam. "Oh Adam. Please stand up." I whisper. He shakes his head and continues to mumble and play with his fingers. "If you won't stand up at least look at me. Please." I continue to whisper. He leans his head back to rest on the bed as his eyes meet mine. I sit down next to him with a blanket in my hand from the bed. He doesn't break eye contact as I sit down and wrap the blanket around him. Tears were evident in his eyes, as I scanned his face dry streaks of tears were obvious too. I pull him into me and his head leans into my chest. He starts sobbing. "Adam, what happened?" I ask almost inaudibly. He shakes his head once again. "C'mon. I'm here for you. You can tell me. I saw the tweets anyway." I continue to whisper in his ear. "I-. I posted our video. The one where we talk about our relationship?" He stutters out. I give a simple 'mhm' for him to continue. "I thought they were going to understand how much I love you for everything you've done. When you helped me through depression. When I was trying to lose weight." There was a slight pause and I rubbed his back. "I don't know what happened. My real fans were supportive but- there was so much hate. I don't know where it came from. At first it was about you. I couldn't handle it. The way they talked about you. It boiled up inside me and I just couldn't handle it. Then it was between us two being together." He sniffles and sighs trying not to punch something or cry again. I grab ahold of his hand with my free one. "How one of us didn't deserve one another. It hurt in so many ways Y/N. Then they talked about me. I can usually deal with it but so many said how much I should kill myself, how I'm dramatic, how much you've been pretending to love me." I could hear his breathing stop as he said the last sentence. He quickly stood up, the blanket hitting the floor. His eyes filled with anger. He was consumed by the comments and tweets. "How could you!" He yelled. "What?!" I ask not raising my voice because it would make it worse. "How could you keep up this act all this time! Pretend to love me!" His voice wavers but continues to rise. "Adam. Why would you think that? They're stupid comments!" I reply. "No it makes sense! The way you act now from when we first started dating! You're so distant! I wanted to believe that you still loved me!" He yells and steps closer to me, his anger issues taking over once again. "Adam listen-" " NO! NOT ADAM LISTEN! YOU'VE BEEN LYING ALL THIS TIME TO ME!" He screams and punches a wall. "Adam stop!" I raise my voice a bit. He doesn't until his hand is bleeding. I stare at the giant hole now in the wall. I walk towards him and take his hands. He jerks them away and steps back. I sigh and start to quietly sing a song I know he loves. "So honey now. Take me into your loving arms." I sing quietly and walk towards him. He's hesitant about me walking towards him but allows it. "Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud. Maybe we found love right where we are." I finish and take his hands in mine. His breathing was steady and he watches me with the uttermost sincerity. I know you'd think it's stupid to calm your boyfriend down by singing like he's a baby but hey, whatever works. I pull him close and hug him as he hesitantly wraps his arms around me and cries into my shoulder. "Adam. I love you so much. I don't deserve you if anything but I'm glad you love me as much as I love you. Don't you dare let them get into your head because I know so many people who love you. Your real fans would never say anything like that, it's just people who feed off of other people's agony. I'm only distant cause I've been working. I'm tired all the time now. All you had to do was say something and I'd be there faster than you could count to three. I love you for who you are and I couldn't ask for more than you." I whisper into his ear and guide him to sit on the bed with me. He lifts his head up and stares at me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you, or destroy the house, or fall apart in front of you." He whispers. I rub his back and shake my head. "I'm always here for you. You can always come to me." I whisper. "I'm still really sorry. Thank you for sticking with me. I love you." He says and pulls me into a kiss. I don't hesitate to kiss him back but keep it short and sweet. "How about you go get in the shower and we can have the rest of today and tomorrow to relax and fix the house." I ask. He nods and heads to the bathroom. I clean up what I can and turn on Netflix with hot chocolate and snacks.

(I know it could end here but imma keep going a bit. If you want it to end like that then thanks for reading)

~Mini Time Skip~

He gets out and we're both in pajamas cuddling in our bed watching (f/m or f/s). I hold his hand and kiss his bruised knuckles while tracing patterns on his arm. He sighs in satisfaction and hums at the sensation. "I love you. You know that? You're the only one not afraid to fall in love with me. The only one who loves me for me. Who isn't scared of who I am. Who supports me through everything. I'm really sorry again for doubting you." He whispers his smile dipping into a frown. I chuckle and look up at his face and study his features. "I love you. I'll always be here for you no matter what." I reply. "So you're not going into work tomorrow?" He asks. I shake my head laughing a bit. "So sleep in?" He asks with a childish smile on his face. "Maybe. We still have to fix the house." I laugh. His smile kind of turns into a frown. "Oh yeah." He says. I kiss him pulling him as close as possible before laying in our previous position. His smile returns and pulls me closer to his chest. I prefer the hole in the wall than in our relationship.
Hi. I'm actually really proud of this. This was over 1000 words. I'm so proud of this and I hope you all enjoyed it.

 I'm so proud of this and I hope you all enjoyed it

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By the way. I wanted to let you all know you were laying down almost like this but in bed. You get it right?

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