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This is a high school thing. So an au I guess

~Mark POV~

I was just headed towards the bathrooms trying to ignore the flock of rebels huddling around them. Hoping to not get noticed even though that rarely happens.

"Hey sweetie." Someone calls out. I tried so hard to ignore her and her crew. I don't know what was going on and why they choose me but they do.

"Sweetie! Yeah you!"

I turn my head and I'm faced by Mickey. One of the members in the notorious gang. The leader turns around from talking to look at who Mickey was calling, me.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"What're you doing over here sweetie? Your cute self should be in class." She winked at me.

"I-I'm going to the bathroom." I respond and continue to walk past the group and enter the bathroom. Not to my surprise there are more people from the gang in the bathroom vaping. I cough quietly and enter a stall. I do what I need to and wash my hands.

"Aye yo. Mark? That's the name right?" I stop in my tracks and turn to face the 3 boys.

"Yea." I almost whisper.

"Hit this"

"No I really shouldn't."

"Hit. It."


I immediately close my mouth at the harshness. I chew at my lip as the boys step towards me. I turn and exit the bathroom as fast as possible. I scurry past her gang and down the hall towards my classroom.

"Hey! Get back here! No one talks to me like that." Brandon, the boy who tried to get me high, calls out.

"Leave him. Let him be. You're better than this." Y/N speaks.

I almost stop at the sound, even though it was distant. She didn't talk a lot so when she did it kind of surprised me.

Shaking the thought from my head I continue to my classroom.


I watched him scurry off down the hall disappearing past a corner.

"Weed me. I need a roll and I bag. I've got a deal in-" I take a look at my watch "10-15 minutes. Don't wait up for me though ok. You all know where you're headed." I snap my fingers, holding out my hand. The roll was placed in my hand and I stuck it in my mouth.

"Weed." I mumbled trying not to drop the roll. They quickly placed it in my hand and I stuffed it in my bag. I grabbed my lighter from my pocket and lit my roll. Taking a drag I let the feeling of relaxation roll over me.

"Bye bitches."

I walk away from the group and head outside. Avoiding all teachers and any other authority figure.

I finally made my way under the bleachers.

"Max?" I ask the blonde boy standing a few feet away. He just gives me a head nod and holds his hand out.

"That's not how this works. Cash first."

He scrunches his face up and hands me money. I flip through the cash to make sure this was the amount we agreed on.

"This ain't $60. If imma be bustin my ass to deliver weed, trying not to get caught by the cops and shit, I better get my full amount or there will be consequences. Oh and don't even think to tell anyone. This whole encounter makes you an accomplice." I stated.

"I know I'm $10 short. I was hoping to pay you when I get my $10." He cowered.

I look him up and down.

"If. And I mean if. I were to let you pay me back you will only have a week. And if I don't get my money I swear I will unleash hell onto you. So. We have a deal?" I smirk.


"Sounds great. See you in a week. Right here. Same time. Bye sugar!" I toss the bag towards him and wave as I turn and walk away.

I sway to a song I repeat to myself in my head towards the cafeteria. Mmm lunch. Then 2 hours until I leave. Right before I reach the doors I see Mark. Cute for a nerd.

"Hey sweet cheeks. You're never late for anything. What's gotten into you?" I smile.

He freezes and turns in my direction.

"What? I've got you scared? Don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm Y/N if that helps." I reply.

"No I k-know who you are. You just never talk. Especially not to me." He stutters.

"Ah I see my reputation reaches even to people who want nothing to do with me. Anyways. Why are you late?" I ask.

"I'm not late. I have a pass to the library for lunch."

"Of course you're not. To much of a goody two shoes. Hey. There's a party tonight. You should be there. Do something new." I walk towards him.

"Uh no thanks. I have homework and a paper to work on thanks." He tried to back up and go to class.

"Aw man go out for once. It's Friday. You're in high school. Be spontaneous. I'll see you tonight at 9:30. Meet me at the park and I'll drive you. Bye sweet cheeks." I smile and give a little wave before entering the cafeteria.

So. Here you go. This will probably be the only thing you get for awhile. I'm trying to work on my creativity and get rid of this writers block. I'm struggling and I'm trying to not. I think I'm gonna start music ones. Not like putting actual songs in the story but like get my ideas from music. I did that like once in this book I think. But yeah. Thanks for reading.

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