Stole My Heart

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This is like, EMPHASIS ON LIKE, a continuation from 'After The Sandwich'. It's not one but it could be the background into this story. AGAIN ITS NOT A PART 2 TO 'AFTER THE SANDWICH' and I swear if I have to repeat it I will scream. Kinda long too


I watched them as they planned. Planned to transport and get the money they needed. Planned to make sure their heads didn't end up in a museum of the most wanted criminals. Planning to make sure we would all live happily. I already was.

"Mark!" I bang my fist on the table getting his attention. He snaps his head up at me.

"Listen please. They're trying to keep your ass from dropping dead. But what they didn't tell you is that the guards are placed even at the very vault. We have to find a way past them." I reply and sip down some wine that burned my throat at the contact. The alcohol content was way too high to be legal and immediately hazes my mind. I hum happily and let them do the rest. I wouldn't have even intervened if they weren't wrong. Planning isn't my part. The power and adrenaline is my part. That. I love.

I stand up and make my exit seeing Mark eye me at the same time. I smile back at him and continue to make my exit up the basement steps and into the living room. I turn towards the record player with a warm smile. I take a look at the records and skim through them until I find the perfect one.

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time

I sway my hips while sipping the wine. Trying to ignore the fact that this is song from Mark and I's marriage. Not wanting to remember all the good times when your husband is on a wanted poster like we live in cowboy times.

I know they can't hear the songs so I turn it up a little more for my enjoyment as our basement is sound proof from the inside and out.

I put down my wine glass and dance along with the music instead of just swaying. I twirl and waltz with myself until I feel someone grab my hands. I open my once closed eyes to see Mark smiling in my face.

"Ahh beautiful. Why this song?" He asks and twirls me to the music.

"I'm not sure. It fits my mood."

I smile at him and we dance and I assume the others went upstairs to get their well deserved rest.

As we sway and waltz and dance around the living room of our giant mansion I can't help but feel a twinge if pain in my heart.

Mark must've sensed my pain cause he sits me down on the couch and looks me in the eyes.

"Beautiful, what's wrong?" I just shake my head at him and smile hoping to reassure him that I was perfectly fine. He stares me down and I break. As much as I didn't want to I couldn't hide anything from him.

"I'd be sad to see you go. As much as I believe and trust in you all, I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see you everyday anymore. Seeing you in the news being locked up and knowing I couldn't do anything or the same would happen to me." I whispered. I've tried to tell him I'd go down with him but he won't allow it. He's even said he would cancel the whole thing and wait for another chance if I didn't stay in this house until I heard news so I could fly out of the country or greet him when he gets back. He's even made deals with other gangs to help me escape if something were to happen.

He shakes his head at me and smiles.

"Beautiful. I'm not going anywhere. If you believe in me hard enough I'll be right back here before you know it and we'd be in our way to France or Jamaica, or even China. Anywhere in the world beautiful. And if we pull this off we could own that government and have endless power. You will have what you want and deserve."

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