My Protector

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TW: Mentions of rape and harm. And bad writing if you want to count that
POV switching happens a lot in this I'm sorry. I got this idea from someone who I do not remember but was doing crankgameplay imagines. All idea credit goes to you. Enjoy


I headed into the party already headed towards the drinks knowing I wasn't driving anywhere. I take it down almost immediately and go to find some friends and dance.

~Tanner POV~

I sat under a blanket in the dark room only illuminated by the movie playing on the tv screen. I didn't dare let in the moonlight. I couldn't risk it. I waited until Y/N came home as she went out to a party and I was ok with her going alone as long as she didn't drive home. She said she didn't plan on staying late and was going to be home by midnight at the latest. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 11:00. Y/N should be home soon. But she still has an hour.

~No POV~

Y/N was getting ready to go home. She walked her way outside, too drunk to even call herself and Uber home. She had a good general sense of direction. She walks in the direction of her house where her loving boyfriends lies.

Tanner on the other hand had gotten hungry and a half an hour had passed giving Y/N 30 minutes to make it back. He had gotten up to get a snack before he remembered he didn't close the one set of blinds above the kitchen sink. The moonlight hits him and he panics unable to stop the process that begins. He trembles and convulses on the floor. Almost becoming demon like, Tanner laughs out, not being himself anymore. Tanners arms and neck were black. Blood dropped from his eyes and his eyes themselves were pure white with red veins. His hair going from a dirty blonde to a deep ombré of blonde to black even with the short hair he has. He gives out another evil laugh before vanishing out of the house going to find a victim to prey on.

Y/N was walking down a road near an alleyway when someone pops up and drags her over. She'a pushed up against the brick wall in the dark alleyway that's far back enough people would hear a faint call if she were to scream. The mysterious man pulls out a knife and puts it to her neck. The fear in Y/N snaps her out of her drunken state enough to realize she doesn't know this man and her life could end right here.

"P-please. Let me go!" She begs. Another man comes up behind the first with a small smirk and snickers.

"Hey guys! This ones a pretty little gal. Maybe we could exchange her life for something else." The man cackles. Some other men come out from somewhere in the alleyway. There were three men in total. They smiled down at Y/N's trembling body. She shakes her head only to get the knife pressed closer to her neck. Y/N was sobbing at this point. She knew her life was about to change. She wouldn't get to say goodbye to her friends, she wouldn't get to say goodbye and kiss Tanner one last time, and she was going to lose her dignity at the same time. The men got closer to her body readying themselves for "the time of their lives" with a woman they don't even know. Y/N passed out from being drunk and total fear.

Tanner was scouting around trying to find something to satisfy the devil in him that was now present in the world. He came across a group of men huddling around something in a dark alleyway. He sneaks his way up to them to see them huddled around a girl. They were going to rape her. As he got close he noticed the girl looked familiar but didn't think about it as he obviously wasn't himself. He almost leaves when something inside of him makes him stop. Tanner looked at the girl once again. Tanner immediately recognizes the girl as his girlfriend. Tanner rips the men off of Y/N. The men stare at Tanner as his neck splits open and blood pours out of it. Tanner creeps closer to the men and throws them to the floor. Just as he was getting ready to rip them apart he hears footsteps and retreats further into the darkness and starts to convulse back to his normal self. Tanner was back to normal and blinks a few times before walking out remembering Y/N.

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