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"Adam get up" I whisper. He mumbles and I shake him. Once again he doesn't move. "Don't make me do it." I whisper. He shakes his head and hides under the covers. I get up and grab a cup of cold water. 'I warned him' I thought. I walk back into the bedroom and pull back the covers. I dump the water on him. He shoots up. "IM UP!" He yells. "I told you." I said. "Come here you!" He yells and starts chasing me around the house. "Adam no!" I scream. He chases me until I hit a table and spaz for a bit. Adam stops. "I'm ok!" I reassure him. "How about we go out for coffee? Wait maybe not coffee. How about..." I pause. "Maybe coffee? Maybe doughnuts? Or how about we go and get hot chocolate instead? Hot chocolate is never overrated. Ever." Adam asks. I nod and go get dressed.

~Time Skip~

Adam looks at me as a shake my other hand. He looks down at it and looks back up at me. "Hey you ok? They seem more visual then normal." He asks. I nod and squeeze his hand that's laced with mine. He smiles and enter the coffee shop. "I'm going to go find a table. Get me a hot chocolate with a small shot of caramel? Thank you!" I spit out. He laughs and nods at me with a smile. I walk around and mumble some things which get me a few stares. I find a small booth near the window and sit down. A few minutes later someone slides in and it's not Adam. I look up and my leg bounces faster. "Hey baby." He coos. "I-I have a boyfriend." I stutter. My hand starts shaking and I rock back and forth. Things are starting to blur and sounds start tuning out. "Hey baby what's wrong?" The random man asks. I start mumbling and I don't even know what's happening anymore. I can't focus on anything. The random man gets up and stares at me. "Hey! Leave her alone." Some days. "No problem she's a freak. Just look at her. She's freaking out." The random man says. "She can't help it! It's not her fault and you made it way worse by trying to hit on her!" The other man says. Wait I know that voice it's Adam! I try and focus my eyes on Adam. I finally get my eyes on the blur of Adam. "Hey hey listen to me. Focus on my voice ok?" He says. I nod and breathe deeply. By now I can feel everyone stare at me as I mumble and shake. My vision returns and my breathing is steady. It doesn't stop my shaking and mumbling. I can't stop that. He grabs my hand and the coffees and storms out. "They have no right to look at you like that. He had no right to say that or hit on you!" Adam freaks. I sip my hot chocolate that wasn't hot but warm. I squeeze his hand and smile at him. "Thank you for sticking up for me. I love you." I tell him. He smiles. "I love you too." He says.

Hey so this is kind of short but I came up with the idea quickly and I don't know how to describe your motions and such. You suffer from ADD and Autism. I don't know how they work exactly because I don't have it. I know people who have them but I don't have it so I still can't describe them ok? I'm sorry if this isn't accurate just don't be extra about it. Thanks

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