Cherry Cola

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TW: Alcohol

No I didn't use Jack because he's Irish. I got the idea from a song called 'Cherry Cola' by Kuwada. Give it a listen. This is short too. But for a reason

~Jack POV~

It had to be at least midnight. Everything was dark and the moonlight barely filtered in between the trees. No one was around besides the sound of cars driving in the distance. I stared at the alcohol on the other end of the bench. It taunted me. It was almost saying that it knew I would go back to it. I grab the bottle and sip it. I gag a bit from the harsh flavor but enjoy the ease it provides me. I sigh and continue to down the drink until it's halfway gone. I stare out until someone pulls me out of my thoughts. A girl. She walked as if she was listening to a song. I look up and see she is indeed. She's in a black oversized jacket with a white undershirt. Simple black leggings and black Nikes. Her (type of hair) fell on her shoulders almost perfectly. I sigh and tilt my head back taking another swing of the alcohol.

"Hey. Is this seat taken?"

I lift my head up at the question and see the girl I was once admiring look at me. I shake my head and she takes a seat next to me. As soon as I try to lift the bottle to my lips once again she places her hand on mine. I look over at her and she shakes her head.

"Alcohol solves nothing." She tells me.

"How do you know I have a problem? What if I'm just enjoying a night out? By myself?" I retort. She looks at me and sighs.

"Ok then. Sorry I offended you. I guess you're right. I'll go. Sorry again." She whispers and stands up.

"No wait." I pull her back down onto the bench.
"I'm sorry. It's just- it's been a long couple of days. Could you stay?" I ask quietly, as it's kind of weird to ask a stranger you just met to sit and stay with you. Then again it's also weird to sit with some random man on a park bench at midnight with alcohol in his hand. She gives me a smile and nods, taking the bottle from me though.

"What happened?" She asks placing the bottle on the floor next to her where I can't reach.

"Oh. My girlfriend cheated on me about a week ago. Broke up with her on the spot. And I don't know. I've felt kind of alone and left behind lately." I tell her for who knows what reason.

"Why alcohol?"

"It helped. Hazes my mind. Ya know keep me from thinking about everything wrong in my life. It's always been my coping mechanism. I tried to change for her though. When I met her we hit it off and I told her. She helped me change. I guess she knew I would go back. So she wanted someone who didn't have a bad history." I whisper. The girl nods at me a gives me a reply.

"Well. I think you can change. No. I know you can change. It takes time and patience. You need to be surrounded by people who are willing to help. Do you have anyone like that?"

"I did."

"Well. I understand pushing them away. Give them a call maybe. Talk to them." She tried giving me a solution. I stare at her with a look that says 'like I'll be able to talk to them again after all this'. She smiles.

"I can call them."

I look at her.

"I don't even know you. But why would that matter. I just spilled my guts to you. What is happening?" I mutter.

"Well then. Hi I'm Y/N. I'm 27. I enjoy music, singing, nights like this, taking pictures, and a bunch of other things you could learn about me if we become friends." She smiles.

"Jack" I respond and shake her hand.

"Well Jack. Feel free to call me if you need to. Oh but I'm throwing this bottle away." She tells me and hands me a piece of paper with her number on it. I take it and smile at her.

"Thank you." I yell after her and she just waves with the half empty bottle of alcohol in her hand. I watch as she slides her headphones back into her ears and drops the bottle into the recycling. She seems to continue her song from before as she continues her walk from before to the same beat. I smile down at the number and stand up to go home and add her to my contacts.


Hi. I know this was short but it is for a reason. There will be a part two I just don't feel like entering the whole story into this one part because I'm lazy and bored. So a part two will be soon and will hopefully be a lot longer.

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