Happy Anniversary

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Hey. Enjoy this because I liked writing this. Also this is a teeny bit short and is all in Max's POV. This is sad. Probably not as sad as like other people's cause I'm a bad writer. So yeah get to reading

~Max POV~

I sat down and opened the box that she pulled out and dropped on the table.

I had just broken up with my girlfriend Y/N. I hated to hurt her but I just couldn't continue the relationship. I was scared she would leave me eventually so I let her go.

I looked down into the box and saw a bunch of pictures and notebooks and such. It looked like a bunch of photo albums and diary's.

'Why would she give this to me?' I asked myself.

I pulled out some photos. The first one was us on the beach with each other. She was sitting there next to me under the umbrella and I was right next to her smiling with the ocean in the background. I loved that picture.

The next one was us on a plane. I was fast asleep with my face leaning against the window and Y/N was making a funny face at the camera. Hah.

The third was us dressed up to go out to dinner. I remember that night. It was our 2nd year anniversary. I remember what she was wearing and what I told her in the car and how much she smiled in the restaurant. I miss that. No there's no way I miss that. I broke up with her for a reason.

The last photo I looked at was her and I at Vidcon. I took the picture unexpectedly. She turned her head with the cutest clueless face. I loved it. I was smiling while she looked so innocent.

I dropped them back into the box and grabbed a notebook. It was filled with songs and what looks like to be diary entry's, about me.

"Max. Max is the greatest human being I have ever met. I love him with all my heart. His ginger hair, the way he smiles and laughs, how he can be so cuddly and how adorable he is when he's mad. Max is one of kind. I can't let him go." It wrote.

I flipped through a few more pages before dropping it back in the box and sighing. I grab one giant book type thing from the box and it's a photo album.

I start flipping through some of the pages. There was one of us sitting on a hill laughing at each other with LA in the background, as we were there for a convention.

*Boom Flashback*

"Y/N come on and let's go and get in the car!" I tell her.

"Hold on! Let me grab my phone!" She yells back and comes towards me.

"Ok. Ready." She smiles.

I link my hand in hers and pull her out of the hotel room. We get in the car and I drive her out to a hill. You could see so much of LA from the hill. It was night time so it was all lit up and beautiful.

"Come on! Close your eyes!" I exclaim and grab one of her hands to lead her out to the top of the hill, where I have a nice mini picnic set up for the two of us. After much complaining and "are we there yet"s we make it to the top and I let her know she can open her eyes. She opens her eyes and immediately covers her mouth. She turns to me and wraps me in a hug.

"Come on and sit down!" I invite her. She sits down and we eat and listen to music and chat. After awhile she grabs her phone.

"I want to make sure I never forget this ever!" She smiles and pulls me into the view of the camera. We both smile and make goofy faces until we end up laughing. I grab her phone and look at some of the pictures.

"This one is my favorite." I point out to the one where we're looking at each other and laughing. She looked so effortlessly beautiful. She was just laughing and not trying to hard for a perfect picture. I loved it.

*Flashback 1 over ;)*

I could feel my face get hot and tears start to make their way to my eyes. I look through some more.

*Flashback 2 starts now ;)*

She was belting out notes as we were in the middle of nowhere just driving for fun. It was her turn to drive and I watch her as she dances while keeping one hand on the wheel. The sun was getting low as the moon was becoming visible.

"I see it! I like it! I want it! I got it! You like my hair? Gee thanks. Just bought it!" She sings and then laughs. I smile at her even though she doesn't see me looking at her.

After awhile the sun is officially setting and the sky is painted like a picture with a little bit of blue left but fades into oranges, yellows, and pinks. She was singing once again. I wanted to capture this moment.

I pull out my phone and get ready to call her name and snap a picture.

"Y/N" I calm out and she turns and makes a funny face at me, our responses to each other when the other calls our name.

I snap the picture and she turns her head to the road. She just chuckles.

"Had to take a picture didn't you?" She asks with a giant smile on her face.

"You know it. And actually I think this is my favorite picture of you ever." I smile back putting my arm out the window, feeling the wind slip through my fingers.

"Is it?"


*Flashback over*

By the end of this my eyes were stained with tears and my face had streaks from the hot tears.

I rummage through the box a little bit more and find a note.

'Max. Happy anniversary baby! I can't even describe how much I love you in words but I'm going to try. I love you so much and thank you for two amazing years. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. You're so understanding and cuddly and fun. You have done so much for me and have been so supportive of me through everything I've done and I've never been happier than with you. I'm so glad I get to call you mine and hopefully I will now and forever. I made you this photo album so you can always have our favorite pictures including yours. I really hope you like it. I love you!' It read.

I had made a giant mistake and just lost the love of my life.

'What have I done?' I ask myself.
'She won't take me back'

I sit there and let the tears run down my face as I realized I lost the thing I loved most.

Well. This was a lot longer than expected. Sorry it's a little teeny tiny but shorter. It was only a few words over 1000 even though I write like 1100-1300 words as an average. I thought about adding a third flashback but I ran out of ideas and felt like it should end where it did or it wouldn't keep the magic I thought it had. I liked this a lot so I hope you enjoyed. Hah btw y'all don't get a part 2 sorry.

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