Empty Bottle

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Tw: Alcohol, Sad ending
This was requested by yandere-chan3 ! Thank you for your request and I'm sorry it took so long! Took me awhile to know what to write, how to word it, put it together! But it's done!!! I'm not 100% sure if I'm coming back cause I'm still out of ideas but yea. Enjoy!

I looked at the bottle once again.

How did it ever get like this?

It was because of him. It was his fault.

He left me like this.

You know it's your fault.

You attached yourself.

You fucked up.

I drank the alcohol once again and closed my eyes.

I missed the days where life was simple and I felt ok.

When I felt alive

I got up and grabbed a hoodie, my keys, wallet, and something else.

I sipped the rest of the alcohol from the bottle and grabbed a new one from my kitchen.

I left my house on my way to no where. I'm no way near sober but not even drunk yet. I'm aware of what I'm doing.

I bumped into a few people on my way down the sidewalk. I didn't think people would still be out. It's what, 1 am?

The sound of cars whirring past and the lights in the town was almost therapeutic but not enough for me.

Another sip

So I took another sip

I think I was headed to the park. But I knew on the way there I would have to pass his house.

I ignored the people who looked at me. Some bumped into me and looked at me with pity, some with scared faces, and some with just disgust.

I'm not trying to please you now am I?

Half the bottle was gone by the time I saw his house in the distance. I made a mental note that I'm halfway to the park.

By the time I was in front of his house I stopped.

Why did I stop? I don't want to see him. I don't want to be here.

Apparently my brain told me I was wrong and this is where I wanted to be. I looked at his house and rolled my eyes.

How fucking dare you? How could you do this to me? Look at you, living it up. Fuck you.

I spit and kept walking. Taking a sip of the still half empty bottle.

Why couldn't I be happy? Why'd this fuck me up so bad? Why'd you fuck me up so bad?

I snorted and kept walking until I made it to the park.


Like I thought.

I find a nearby bench and sit down. I drink at least half of what's left in 2 minutes.

I lost everything to you. Everything.

It wouldn't matter soon though. Nothing would.

I look down at my hand to see and empty wine bottle. I mumble a few curses and throw it away.

Time to go

I walked back towards my house and stopped on his porch.

I hope you see what you did. I hope you see me and realize what you've done.

I hate you

I hate me

I hate life.

I walked off his porch and made it into my house 10 minutes later.

I texted everyone in my family. My stuff was ready and I was ready.

I changed my clothes and left.

I didn't walk in the direction of his house. Instead I did the opposite.

I made it to where I needed to be.

The bridge.

I stood on the railing. Looked out onto the city and stars once again,

And jumped.

Dear Max,

I hope you realize that I couldn't tell you this over the phone or face to face. I wasn't ready to be accused again. I wasn't ready to be told I was over dramatic.

"A body found in Clear Water River at 6:00 am after a person on their morning jog called."

I gave up everything for you. You knew that right? You knew that I loved you so deeply that everyone left me? I supported you? What happened to us and together forever? I thought we were going to get married.

"The body has been identified as Y/N L/N. Death by suicide. After her family was called and her home was searched to point to anything that indicates her suicide. Multiple notes were found."

I really didn't want it to come to this but life is a burden now. I'm a burden now. You made me feel special to worthless in a matter of seconds. I'm sorry I couldn't be her. I really am. But I not sorry for this. You deserve to feel pain. You deserve to know you caused this. If you don't feel remorse then your crazy. But if you really don't then I guess I know my answer. I know you never loved me. Thank you. For setting me free"

"Though we may not say who the letters are addressed to as an act of privacy for the family, we do know that the family is hurting and upset at a famous YouTuber for what seem to be the cause of miss Y/N L/N's death. Miss L/N what do you want to say?"

"Max you have done this to her! How could you?"

I love you

Hi! I really hope you liked! I'm still not 100% sure if I'm done with this book but there might be updates every once in awhile! If you are interested there's a book I started and it's just me with my thoughts! Go check it out but you don't have too. Lol I know a lot of people don't check out books when an author asks them to or something. Once again, thank you yandere-chan3 for requesting this and I hope you all enjoyed. Peace weirdos

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