Cold Spots Pt.2

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Continuation of Cold Spots a couple chapters before this one. Go read it first


I started to fade as the atmosphere was awkward. As soon as they noticed I was starting to disappear Adam spoke up.

"No wait don't go. We're just trying to wrap our heads around this. How could someone do that? Cheat on someone they claimed to love? And do it constantly!" He raised his voice. I just tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling. I could feel Ross prepare as he thought another scene would play. Nothing happened. I just stared at the ceiling.

"I can't believe I was a monster" I whisper. My voice was coming back. Something about being with Adam was comforting. I could talk in front of him. I could tell him things if I wanted. I don't like it, but I do.

Adam just stood up and sat next to me. "You were driven by love. Love makes people do crazy things. That's the saying." He reassures me. I look down and smile at him.

"I need to go. I need to get Galileo home and it's late. But also possibly try and wrap my head around this. Ross are you coming?" Max stands up and breaks the short amount of silence we had. Ross nods and follows him out of the house shutting the front door. I get up and head towards the basement. My grounding place. I'm reminded of everything but I can't do anything about it. I'm stuck in this house and I'm stuck sleeping here. I'm never gonna finish whatever made me a ghost.

~Adam POV~

She gets up and walks away towards the basement I assume. I watch her go. Something makes me wanna hold her and tell her it's all ok. I cant be falling for her. She's a ghost. How do you fall for that?! Oh. My. God.

~Time Skip~

I woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Y/N! Come get your ghost breakfast!" I chuckle at myself. She comes from somewhere and stares at me.

"Here waffles." She just stares at me like I'm crazy. I'm not I swear. I cut my waffles and she smiles. Reaching her hand into my waffles and grabs ghost waffles. See I'm smart.

"Adam. I wanna touch you" She whispers. I turn my head and raise my eyebrows.

"I want to know what it's like to be warm. I want to be colorful again."

I look down at my waffles for a minute but then look up and nod my head. She reaches towards me and puts her hand on my face just for it to go through. I stumble back and immediately shiver. The feeling didn't hurt but it was so uncomfortable it would make you jolt and so I did. She pulls her hand back and shivers too.

"Can I try again?" She asks.

I nod and sit back down. She closes her eyes and seems to concentrate. She flashes a few times before turning a bit more colorful but still pale.

She puts her hand up to my face one more time and it sits there. On my cheek. It was cold. She sighs in satisfaction before pulling her hand away and sitting down.

"I miss that feeling." She smiles at me. I smile back and sit on the couch. She sits in front of the couch and glued her eyes to the tv.

"How come you don't leave?"

I stare down at her. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Why don't you leave since I'm here. I could be bad. I could've lied to you. Why are you still here." She sits and I could see the blank wandering stare in her eyes.

"I think you're pretty cool. Since you haven't killed me and it's been a couple days I don't think you will. Weirdly it's also nice having company and knowing I'm not alone even though you're a ghost and I bought a house for me to be alone in haha." I reply. She just smiles at me.

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