Cold Spots

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Warning: Gorey, blood and self harm used in the story.
So this piece includes a bunch of time skips. But it goes with the story so I'm sorry. No I'm not. Also when things are written in italics that's you, Y/N, spelling out the answers on the ouija board

~Adam POV~

I had finally moved into my new house. Boxes were finally put away. My office was set up. Everything was perfect. I walk up my steps headed towards my office until I'm stopped by a chilling breeze. My air is off though. I shake my head and assume it was nothing.

~Time Skip To Tomorrow~

I got up and waited for Max and Ross to come over. We planned on just hanging out in my new house. Soon a knock rang throughout my living room and I got up and opened it. "Hey!" Max exclaims. I reply with the same enthusiasm and invite him in to see Galileo trailing behind him. "Sorry about Galileo. I had to bring him today." I nod understanding. I then go back to the door and greet Ross. "Hey Ross! Come on in!" I invite. He enters after greeting me back. We sit on the couch that has snacks and drinks placed on the coffee table. "What game?" I ask. They both reply with Call Of Duty. (Sorry I couldn't think of anything else)


I sat and watched them play the game. I wanted to feel them. I wanted to know what it was like to be warm. I sat near the dog and petted it. It seemed to be pretty ok but just stared at me. Usually when I touch something it shivers, but the dog, no Galileo, didn't move. Just seemed to enjoy it. "Dude. What is Galileo staring at?" The shorter brown haired boy asked. I believe his name was Ross. "How would I know. Sometimes he does this." The red head named Max replies. "Look!" Max looks over in my direction and sees Galileo staring at me, well the wall since they can't see me. "What the hell..." Max whispers and stands up. Max walks over to Galileo and kneels in front of me. He sticks his hand through me and we both shiver. "Dude your house has a cold spot. Is your air on?" Max asks. Adam shakes his head. "I have no idea what movies you were watching last night but your crazy." Adam replies. "Yeah sure." Max sighs and sits back down. They continue the game.

~Time Skip To Late That Evening~

~Adam POV~

I got ready for bed heading up from the kitchen when again, a breeze blew past. This time is had to be the air conditioning, I left it on. I walk into my relatively warm room getting ready to climb in when I hit a cold spot. Just that one spot. I try and ignore it and climb into bed and sleep.

~Adams Dream~

I was sitting there on a couch. When a girl came up to me and tried to touch me. We both shivered as her hand went through me.

~Back To Reality~ (I'm sorry we keep going back and forth with all the time skips but I have too)

I sit up and it's morning. I immediately call Max and Ross to come over.

After a few minutes I open the door to Max and Ross. They enter and place the wooden board on the table. "As much as I hate this and don't want to do this, I have to know what is going on." I whisper. They nod.


I sit at the table watching them set up. This is really what they're doing? "Is someone here?" Adam asks. I move the ouija board piece to yes. Ross looks truly frightened and Max looks like a wants out but knowing the rules he can't. "Are you good?" Ross asks hoping to hear yes. I move the piece away towards no to freak him out. His face goes pale before I move it back to yes.

He lets out a breath he didn't seem to know he was holding. "Well if you're good, then that wasn't very nice" he responds with a pout. I chuckle to myself. "What's your name?" Adam asks. I spell out Y/N. "Pretty name." He smiles. I smile back. "How come we can't see you?" Max asks. I think for a bit. I spell out no reason too. I then appear in front of them to show them I can be seen by people. They shake their heads still not taking their hands off the board. "How did you die?" They all ask. I shake my head at first until they give me puppy dog eyes. Are you sure? I ask making sure they're prepared for what they're about to see. They nod. Say goodbye. (No that wasn't a reference to Jacksepticeye. Go ahead and make your jokes lol) They nod and end the "game". I stand and open my mouth.

"Don't.... Scream...." I breathe out a ghost like whisper. They tense up at my sudden vocalness. I walk towards the basement of the house and float down the steps. "Love" I reply. "Do you want to see? Be warned it isn't for the faint" I ask. They all nod again. I lay my head back my neck splitting open and bleeding out. The scene playing out before them. My fiancé, who I said I would die for, had cheated. We spilt and I had the house because I kicked him out. The scene of him being pushed out the door was displayed before them. The next scene continued. I had walked down to the basement we were currently in and grabbed all the tools and such I could find. I set up a plan to make him suffer. "I was a monster who wanted revenge." I breathed. They looked at me quickly before looking back at the hologram like scenes. Next was me holding my ex-fiancé in the basement. I wanted revenge. I would hurt him but not to bad. Until I couldn't. I still loved him. I dropped the weapons but kept the knife. I let him go and held the knife up to my wrists. I slit them. I slit almost every part of my body. I then slid it across my neck killing me. I lifted my head back up. Ross looked like he wanted to pass out. We went back up stairs.

They sat across the room and stared at me.

Hah. A cliff hanger that's not really a cliff hanger. It's late though and I don't feel like writing anymore and this is already 1000 words so y'all will be ok. I can continue another time. I hope you enjoyed!

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