Nights Like This

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HI! This was requested by the amazing @bookboi205 Thank you for being my first request and I hope this was what you wanted! Enjoy!

"Mark get in the car!"

"Why?! Where are we going?!"

"Nowhere! We're just going! Didn't you plan this?!"

"I don't remember that!"

Ethan sighed and pushed Mark into the car. Suddenly, Mark went limp. Ethan just looked at him and buckled him in. After making sure he was secure, Ethan hopped into the drivers seat and started the car.

Ethan turned on the radio letting songs filter through the car as Mark sat in silence. It happened a lot, Mark being silent. He was psychotic. Not in the way most people think though. He wasn't going crazy on people, he just loses touch with reality. He 'zones out'.

Mark starts humming to the song playing snapping Ethan out of his semi-trance while still focusing on the road.

Mark had a smile plastered onto his chiseled features. His hair framed his face as the stars shine with headlights as the only light source in the car. Ethan took a quick glance over at Mark before looking back at the road and smiling.

"Do you want food?" Ethan asked.

Mark have a quick nod as a response and immediately responded with "McDonald's!"

Sometimes Mark was such a kid, more than usual with his condition. So that made Ethan even more protective over him than usual. Mark was fragile but also strong as a rock. Ethan and Mark live together just so he had someone just incase something did happen. Though nothing ever really did since Mark takes medicine to help die down his 'zoning out'. That didn't stop Ethan from practically throwing himself into Mark's situation. He just wanted Mark to be safe. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he wasn't.

Before they both knew it Ethan had pulled into a McDonald's drive thru.

"What do you want?" Ethan asked Mark while eyeing the menu himself.

"Nuggets. 10! And fries! With a water please Ethan." Mark practically whined.

Ethans heart had twisted up inside but all he could do was nod. Mark had him melting all the time without even knowing it, but Ethan also knew that had very little chance with Mark since he didn't feel much anymore.

"Hi welcome to McDonald's! How may I help you?"

"Hi can I have a ten piece nugget with a medium fry and a water? And can I also get a cheeseburger and a small fry with a coke?" Ethan asked.

"Sure! Your total is $8.64!" The person behind the speaker replied.

Ethan drove around and got their food, handing Mark his bag.

"There you go! Now eat up so we can continue driving, or would you want to wait and go to a park to eat?" Ethan asked Mark.

"Park please?" Mark smiled.

Ethan just nodded feeling his heart beat in his chest, almost out his throat, wondering if Mark could hear the loud thudding that was ringing in his ears.

He pulled out and drove around the small town they were in to find a park to sit and relax at.

After driving around for about 10 minutes they found a park and pulled in.

"Mark we're here." Ethan sighed.

Mark didn't move.

Ethan got out the car and grabbed the food and a blanket he kept in his trunk along with two hoodies. He slipped one over his head before putting the food and drinks on the hood of the car and opening the passenger side door.

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