Rainy Day

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Adam x reader


"Come on!" I yell! "We're gonna get sick!" Adam yells from the top of the steps! "Fine. Then don't come with." I reply. I grab my raincoat and rain boots and dash out the door. I could hear Adam groan before the door closes behind me. I stand in the porch and watch the rain fall in front of my face. I jump down the porch steps and face the sky letting the rain hit my face. I sigh in satisfaction and start walking down the street.

"Y/N! Wait up!" I hear someone yell. I turn and see Adam speed walking down our walkway to catch up to me. I'm not even that far though. I stop and wait for him to catch up which takes 5 seconds. "What made you change your mind?" I asked while continuing down the road. "I figured I should just join." He replies. I look over and smile at him before facing forward. I see a park not to far ahead and run towards it. I sit down and swing back and forth waiting for Adam while listening to the rain tap against the rest of the playground equipment and the nature around me. "Don't *pant* run *pant* without *pant* giving *pant* me *pant* a *pant* warning" he breathes as sits down next to me. We sit and swing for a bit before Adam starts to shiver.

"Cold?" I ask. "N-no. I'm fine." He stutters. "C'mon. Let's go home." I sigh. I take Adam's hand in mine to give him some warmth and comfort. He looks down at me and I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. I glance over at him and flash him a smile before watching the rain fall over my neighborhood. "What?" I ask. "The way you admire the little things. It fascinates me." He breathes. I stop and smile at him. "What's not to admire? The way the rain falls? The way it gives life to our Earth making it more beautiful? The way it makes its own music being one of the most beautiful songs? It's not a little thing." I whisper while facing the sky with my eyes closed. I could feel Adam take a step closer to me. He tips my face back down and I open my eyes. He stares into my eyes deeply as I stare into his brown eyes. I could get stuck in those forever. I trace out the rest of his face. His chin, the way his hair frames his face, his lips. He pulls me closer and we kiss in the middle of the sidewalk. It seems to last forever as thunder cracks over our heads indicating it's not just rain. We pull apart and I chuckle. (I hate saying giggle ok?) He grabs my hand and we jog down the street and into our house. We take off our rain coats and boots and Adam plops onto the couch. "Hot chocolate and Netflix?" I question, walking into the kitchen. "Please! How about f/m? (Favorite movie)" He asks scrolling through Netflix. "Ok!" I reply and walk into the kitchen to make the hot chocolate.

~Small Time Skip~

I sip some of my hot chocolate and place it back onto the coffee table. "I love this. I'm here with you. It's raining. Hot chocolate. It's amazing." I sigh and snuggle into my amazing boyfriend. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. "I couldn't ask for anything better." He whispers and we watch the movie in peace.
Hello. So. This was bad. And cliché. I'm very sorry you had to put up with this but I hope you enjoyed anyway. It's like 2 in the morning so I'm tired too. Thanks for reading.

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