Super Cliché

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As the title says this is a very cliche story. Like that's the literal title. I couldn't think of anything better so the literal name of the story is 'Super Cliché'. It's more of a one shot I think than an imagine. But you think of it as whatever ya know

It's the perfect autumn day. Watching the leaves fall past me as I walk towards my local coffee shop. I watch the leaves fall and join the giant piles n the ground. The slight breeze that blows in my face is refreshing and nothing can ruin this mood.

I push open the door and order my normal drink. I take a quick look around the shop as my name gets called. I walk up and grab it and as soon as I turn to walk out the door, BAM! I run into someone. I stand up and start stringing together an apology. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you!" I apologize. They laugh and respond "No! I didn't see you! I'm so very sorry! Let me buy you another one!" It sounds like a guy so I finally look up from picking up the pieces of the spilled coffee. He's super cute! 'Get it together Y/N!' "No you don't have to! It's honestly my fault." I try not to stutter. "No I insist. You can't refuse." He says. (I'm only using this next word BECAUSE this story is supposed to be cliche. But I still hate this word) I giggled and nodded. He orders me my drink and we walk outside. "Thank you! Again I'm still sorry for running into you." I tell the mysterious man. "Hey it's no problem. I'm Adam by the way." The mysterious man named Adam states. "I'm Y/N. It's very nice to meet you Adam!" I respond with a smile. "Well Y/N I have to go but maybe I'll see you again?" He asks. I nod and he runs off and I completely forget to ask for his number. Oh well.

~One Day Lãter~ (I put it there so you would read it in a sponge bob narrator voice. If you didn't you disappoint me. Jk. Kind of)

Today is gloomier. It looks like it's going to rain out. That's ok! I like the rain. I walk out the door and look at the gloomy skies. I sigh and walk towards the park. So I may be a child at heart? Ok so I am a child at heart. I walk towards the park with music blasting in my headphones. I find the park and walk down one of the trails when, you guessed it! BAM! I fall and lay on the ground for a bit cause I was hit hard. I close my eyes and start laughing and immediately stop as the headache I got throbs in my skull. "Well. I see we meet once again." Adam the man from yesterday chuckles. I open my eyes and smile sheepishly. "Sorry to run into you again." I apologize as I stand up and brush myself off. "No problem. How about this time I get your number huh? I mean this is the second time I've run into you. Maybe I'm supposed to get your number." He smiles. "You could've been way smoother in any other way but you chose fate. I mean I won't deny it though." I reply. I reach my hand out and he stares at it for a second. "Seriously? You just asked me for my number!" I state and he pulls out his phone and places it in my hand. Locked. "It's locked." I smile. He blushes and scrambled to open his phone before placing it in my hand once again. I enter my number and name myself 'Spilled Coffee Girl 😘' With that I place my hand near my face signaling him to call me and start walking home just as it starts raining. I look back to see him dumb struck with a smile on his face.

Hey kids, dudes, people who are just amazing (all you non-binary people that was for you and everyone else too but pointed at you) This was a lot longer than I expected I expected it to be a short simple cliche like one shot thing? It's not an imagine but it's longer. I think I'm going to make this a series with cheesy one shot/ imagine cliche stories. Let me know.
Thanks for reading

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