After the Sandwich

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Tbh idk wth this is. And typing like that three times in a row kind of made me cringe. I thought of this right after I woke up and felt the need to write this. So I'm honestly not taking this seriously but I am at the same time. So it is what it is ok. This also mentions self harm. And please don't hurt yourself. I know it's hard but get help if you need it. Please


It was 3 in the morning and I was tired but awake and hungry. I get up and head downstairs not worried about waking anyone up because I live alone.

I headed down the stairs towards the kitchen. I flicked on the lights and covered my eyes from how bright it was. I cursed myself for ruining the last bit of tiredness I had. I then open the fridge like you do for a sandwich and start to assemble.

As I finish the last parts of the assembly of my sandwich I can't help but think to myself. What if I were going to get murdered right now?

"They would have to wait until I finish my sandwich." I whisper to myself. Next thing I know all the ingredients are back where they're supposed to be. Then as soon as I get to my sandwich there's a knife to my neck.

"Any last words?" A voice that sounds like it came from a man asked me. I nodded.

"Yes. Let me finish my sandwich, then you can kill me." I reply. You'd think he'd kill me on the spot but somewhere in his murderous heart, he doesn't and let's me sit on the couch watching tv to finish my sandwich. I take a bite and ask questions. I'd like to know about him before I die.

"So. What got you into murdering people?" I asked taking another bite.

"What made you so calm about being murdered?" He shoots back.

"Touché" I reply. I get up to get chips and a drink. I was making this a legit meal if I'm gonna die.

"What're you doing?" He asks.

"If I'm going to die and I can't have a burrito as my last meal, I'm making my last meal a legit meal. So I'm getting a drink and chips." I reply and walk into the kitchen. He follows behind me closely.

I grab what I wanted and sit back down.

"So." I reply. I eat a few chips hoping to start a conversation.

"What? Why do you want to talk when you're going to die?" He asks.

"Trying to make it less awkward ya know?" I respond and focus my eyes on the tv once again. I take another bite of my sandwich.

"How are you so calm about this? I was fully prepared if you were gonna kick or scream or something." He asks. I shrug.

"I've been here long enough. I've suffered. Look. No one else knows about these but if I'm gonna die, someone should." I roll up my sleeve and show him the scars on my arm.

"You did this to yourself?" He asks rhetorically.

"Obviously. Life just sucks. I've just never had the courage to end mine myself. So here you are doing it for me I guess." I reply rolling my sleeve back down.

"Have you ever murdered someone before?" I ask before taking a big gulp of my soda and taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Yea. I have. But that was for vengeance. But once I did I couldn't stop. It feels right." He whispers.

"Now I'll really have to kill you. Can you finish the sandwich already?!" He yells starting to get impatient. I shake my head and get ready to take another bite. He smacks the sandwich out of my hands. I look at him in shock. Anger takes over me and I stand up.

"What the hell! I wanted to eat that!" I yell. He rolls his eyes and steps towards me, getting ready to end my life. I run over to him and smack the knife out of his hands. I knee him in the groin and watch him fall over. I grab the knife and straddle his hips.

"Hm. I told you to let me finish my damn sandwich!" I yell planting the tip of the knife over his heart. I push it in a bit.

"Now maybe I'll turn you in. Or maybe I'll just end you right here for my own vengeance." I whisper in his ear. This feels good. It feels right. Making him want to beg for his life. Possibly watch the light in his eyes go out.

"Before I do anything. I want to know who you are." I state. I pull back his hood and the mask off his face.

"Huh you're kind of cute." I whisper.

"What makes you think you can kill me? You think it's easy?" He asks with a smug look on his face.

"Seems easy enough. You have everything in your bag. It's in arms reach. If you scream I can chloroform you. Maybe blindfold you so you have no idea of when your life ends. I have bleach and such to clean up your blood. And this is quite a small neighborhood. No one would really suspect anything besides screaming if there happened to be any. I could just say-" I lean in towards his ear. "I was playing a video game. Then dropped my sandwich. Or something of the sorts." I lean back and push the knife a little deeper.

"Huh. You sound like you've done this before. Well if you're going to end me. Do it. Do it right now." I smile at him.

"Did I tell you you're cute?" I ask.

"Did I tell you you're manipulative?" He chuckles. I stare into his deep brown eyes and smile.

"I think we can work out and arrangement." I lean in and kiss him. He doesn't hesitate back but instead places his hands on my hips. I pull away.

"Interesting." I mumble. He sits up.

"How about a date?" He asks.
"How do you know I'm not gonna turn you in?"

"I know you already. I can see through you. You won't do anything. Darling" He whispers and stands up. I smile.

"You can keep the knife. Something to remind you of me." He smiles and heads towards the back door.

"Wait! How about you stay here for the night and I'll take you up on that date offer?" I ask with a small smile. He smiles back and nods.

"I'm Y/N by the way." I inform him.
"Adam." He states back.

I lead him up to the guest bedroom. Instead he stays in my room. With me.

Who knew you could fall in love with a murderer

Tbh the way this was planned on my head made it go in a sort of sexual way. But I didn't know how to write it. It was supposed to start from when you straddle his hips and such but I didn't know how to end it if I did. So I didn't. Now. I don't know where this came from and how it was so long but it literally popped in my head like after I woke up. So... yeah. I hope you enjoyed this in any way you could. Ok cool bye

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