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TW: Sad, Short
Hey sorry I've been gone. I've been caught up with school and I'm still out of ideas and the ideas I do have I don't feel like writing them. I'm trying to do them but I have to literally force myself to write them and I don't want them to be crappy cause I forced myself to write it. I hope you enjoy this even though it's short.


"I'm so sorry! Please!" I cried.

He shook his head at me and walked out the door. I bawled and bawled. I didn't know what to do. This shouldn't of happened. How could I be so stupid?!

I stood up and cleaned my face. I didn't bother about the tears just took off the running makeup.

Why did I say it? How could I be so stupid?!

He doesn't even want you!

You're a literal joke.

I sniffed and tears slipped out of my eyes at a faster pace.

"I should've said it was a joke." I whispered.

I grabbed my keys and drove around the neighborhood. I needed to clear my head.

"He's all I ever wanted."

I sniffled and turned off the radio. So many songs we listened to together played and it hurt to listen to.

The neighborhood was far behind me now as I got on the highway. After driving for what felt like an hour I made it into a city. I thought of him once again.

What's the point?

I screamed with tears falling out of my eyes. I hit the gas not noticing the light that had just turned red. I closed my eyes as the car jerked forward at high speed.

Please... I just wanted you to hold me...

Car hits.

It's dark.

He'll never know, that I just wanted to hold him.

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