Im Semi-Sorry

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I think y'all saw this coming.

This book is being put to rest.

I've run out of ideas for awhile but I'm just not feeling writing anymore. I've run out passion for this book and I'm sort of sorry for it.

I'm also discontinuing because no one reads it. I know that sounds so attention seeking but I did this for people to enjoy. Now that doesn't mean for others to base everything they do off of success, I'm doing this because I just found no point in this. I know I have 1K reads but that's the thing for me. I have 1K but I still feel as if no one literally reads this book. I'd be happier if I had 5 reals reads than 1K reads that feel so fake and made by bots.

So to simplify this I'm semi-sorry for ending. I'm only kind of not sorry because no one literally reads this and I've run out of passion for this book so no point in being super sorry.

Thank you all for this journey...

I hope you enjoyed.

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