Dear Future Boyfriend

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The title sucks. I know. And this is short. But enjoy it

~Max POV~

I was just sitting there (barbecue sauce on my titties) talking to Ross before I saw her. She walked into hot topic with someone trailing closely behind her. "Max!" I direct my eyes to Ross. "Hm?" I whispered before redirecting my eyes in the direction of the hot topic. She walks out once again and Ross shakes me. "Go talk to her" he shifts his eyes between me and her.


"F/N come on!" I whined. I fixed my shirt making sure it was comfortably tucked into the front of my shorts. It was a nice oversized black button up with blue flames.

 It was a nice oversized black button up with blue flames

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(I honestly had a better one but I couldn't find it again)

I tapped my foot impatiently holding my hot topic bags waiting for her slow self to come out the store. I roll my eyes at her when she finally walks out.

"So why do you want to go to Spencers?" She digs through her bag making sure she got everything. I could hear the smirk in her voice. (If you honestly don't know what I'm talking about don't worry about it)

"No. Just no. I want to go look at socks." I reply. I fix my bandana on my head.

"You're headband looks fine. Cmon." She sighs and drags me towards Spencer's.

I let her pull me along and as soon as we enter I run to the back and looked at the socks.

"While you do that I'll be over here!" F/N yells loud enough for me to hear. I can already tell where she is and what she's looking at.

~Max POV~

I walked into the Spencer's and see her in the back. I walk closer to her and work up the courage to say something to her.


She looked over and scans me before she replies. "Hey" She goes back to the socks. "Um I just wanted to say you're really beautiful." I almost whisper looking at the floor. She snickers at me.

"Yeah right. Thanks." I look up at her.

"R-really. You're like super beautiful." She stops looking at socks and turns to me.

"Do you need glasses? Are you seeing things correctly?" She asks. I smile and nod.

"Oh. You're legit serious. Um thanks." She smiles.

"You're welcome. If you don't mind. I would love to get your number." I ask.

"Uh yeah I guess. Sure." She reaches her hand out for my phone and I hand it to her. She types in her number with her name.

"Y/N. Well I'll text you sometime. And hopefully take you out on a date." I smile and wink at her before walking out of the store.



"Who was that?" F/N asked.

"Potentially my future boyfriend" I smile

Hey. So this was short. But it was sweet in a way. Hope you liked it :) Thanks for reading

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