I cant do it

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I'm sorry. I've tried. I really have. I've tried to put words down and continue but I can't. I've run out of ideas. I'm forcing myself to write a paragraph and I can't even do that. I don't feel good enough. I'm not a good writer and I don't know how to write 1000 word imagines anymore. I've run out of words. This book has to officially be put to rest. Maybe I'll make a second one but this one will most like not be touched to update ever again. I've tried. I really have. I can't do it though. For some reason I can't put the words to the idea and I can't add detail, I just can't be a writer. I don't have the skills and the mindset. I can sort of do small one shots but I can't make full imagines unless requested. There's a small possibility that I'll update small one shots every one in awhile but this book is basically done.I'm sorry. I thank you for reading. Thank you for the journey. I hope you enjoyed.

Bye weirdos

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