Sing for Her

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So this uses people's songs but they're called originals. Just wanted to put that out there that I'm not taking credit for these songs obviously but people can be crazy so yeah. Don't play the song until told. It's also longer than normal

~Adam POV~

I can't believe it! Today's the day! The very day I get to meet Y/N! The Y/N! I love her music! Oh her song 'King of Shadow' is so good! (That's a legit good song. Go listen. It's by Kat Cunning) and 'Cherry Cola' is good too! (Another good one by Kuwada) I have never been more excited in my life. Soon my phone rings snapping me out of my day dream about Y/N.

"Hello?" I ask.

"ARE YOU READY?!" Max asks.


Max starts yelling and 'whooping' through the phone as I just laugh and finish packing my bag.

"I'll meet you at the hotel. LIKE RIGHT NOW CAUSE WE CANT BE LATE OR WE WONT BE IN THE FRONT!" I yell at Max.

"Ok!" He hangs up.

I grab my bag and keys and anything else I'll need and head out to the hotel.

~T-T-T-T-Mini Time Skip~

I park the car and grab my things and find Max in the lobby. We check in and head up to our room. "Ok so I have a bag with like three portable chargers for me, water, and money. I believe that's it." I list. Max nods looking through his bag checking for the same things. "And now for the passes." I grab the passes and hand one over to Max. I was so excited I could scream! Or faint! "What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Max exclaims and drags me out the room.

~Boom Another Mini Time Skip~

We sat so close to the front of the line waiting for the general admission line to open the doors. (That's the line where you stand in the pit in front of the stage on the floor) Soon music started playing and people rushed up to the windows. "OMG! You can see her practicing!" Someone yelled. People immediately rushed up to the windows and tried to get a good look at her. Including Max and I but one at a time to not lose our spot. I went second and she wasn't there. The music had stopped by the time I got to the window. I sulked back and sighed. Max our his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. I smiled back remembering I would see her after the show.

Suddenly everyone started screaming and taking pictures as I heard cameras go off. I look over in the direction everyone was staring at and there she was! Standing in the window waving at all of us! She smiled and posed a few times before disappearing. Then the screaming started again. SHE WAS OUTSIDE! "Hey guys!" She said happily! Everyone just stares and screamed trying not to freak her out or run up to her. "Well before I say this respect other peoples spots please because I would love it if you did that. But come here guys!" She said with open arms. People ran over to her but didn't tackle her. She hugged and took pictures and signed I few things. I tried to get over there but I was stuck behind a bunch of people. 'Stay optimistic Adam. You see her later.' I think to myself. Max smiles and pulls us back into line. She said her goodbyes and walked back into the stadium. Then the doors opened. Everyone flooded in buying merch and getting to the floor and their seats. I quickly bought some merch with Max and we piled onto the floor. We were right up front! After a couple of minutes once everyone settled in the openers started.



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