Afraid For You

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Nothing much to say besides it's a bit short :p


I watched him walk past my office with a small smile in my direction. I smiled back and focused back onto my work.

'It's sad this won't last long'

I sighed at the thought in my head. I wasn't safe anymore. It was one thing to have anger issues, which troubled my work life already, but whatever I have now is much worse.

The day moved slowly and at last the day comes to a close.

"Matt?" I whisper with a soft knock on his office door. The door opens and a smiling Matt looks at me.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?" He asks before retreating into his office with me behind him. He sits at his desk and seems to finish up his final thoughts or such on his computer.

"I-" I take a deep breath trying not to break down. "I'm quitting. Not because the work space is bad. Because I need too. So I wanted to thank you for the best year I've ever had. I'm sorry I couldn't work for you longer. I really wish I could but I have to go. Thank you again." I plastered a fake smile onto my face hoping to hide the pain that was manifesting in my bones. I step out of his office before he can ask why or give me a reply. As immature as that seems I can't take the thought of trying to wind away from the truth and give a fake reason. I was back in my office sending in my last finished work. I closed my laptop and grabbed it placing it into my bag. I sighed at my bare office that I cleaned up today. Grabbing the bags of office supplies that I'm allowed to keep and my things I walk out of the office and head towards the front door.

"Hey Y/N! What are you doing? Why is your office empty?"

I stop and turn around to face the voice that belongs to Paul. The man who has my heart without knowing.

"I'm" I pause. "Redecorating. Yeah that's what I'm doing. Matt has let me redecorate my office so I'm taking my things out." I smile a small bit at him.

"Oh that's great! I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asks with a smile that ignites my heart.

"Y-yeah sure." I stutter. I wave a final goodbye at him that he doesn't know is my last to him. I drag my stuff to my car and drive to my empty house. I step inside and contemplate what to do with myself now. I know what I need to do but will I actually do it?

I drop everything and grab my phone. I let my thoughts swarm me. I call the nearest mental hospital and let them come get me. Who knows what's going to happen if I try to go there.

~Ze Next Day~

~Paul POV~

I entered the studio and went to go check on Y/N. Her office was completely empty besides Kevin side. Kevin came in the studio too and had the same questioning look on his face too.

"Where's Y/N?" I asked. He just shrugged and walked into the now half empty office. I tried to convince myself she was just late and headed into my office with Connor to work.

After awhile it was time to shoot GG. I got up and walked with Connor to the space and we sat down. Waiting for Y/N to walk in to do the audio. Tanner and Matt walk in and sit down.

"So guys. Y/N won't be here. She um- she quit." Matt sighs seeming unsure himself why she decided to leave out of the blue. She seemed like she was happy.

"What?" I questioned.

"I honestly don't know. She came up to me yesterday and quit out of the blue. She said it wasn't anything about the job." He replies to the questioning looks on our faces.

I frown a bit and the rest of the crew enters and we get started on the shoot.

~End of the work day~

~No POV~

Paul gathered the rest of his things and hopped in his car. He was going to go check on Y/N. He made it to her house and knocked. Her car was here so he assumed she was here too.

Instead of Y/N opening the door her best friend does instead.

"Hey B/F/N. Where's Y/N?" Paul asks. She just freezes and opens the door to let him in. People were cleaning up her things. People she, or Paul, didn't know.

"She-She. She admitted herself into a mental hospital. I don't know why. Something is terribly wrong." She stuttered to Paul. He stared in shock as people boxed up some books and her clothes.

"Wh-What? What one?" He asks. She shakes her head. He walks up to one and asks which hospital they work for.

"Saint James" they reply coldly. (It's made up)

He nods and jumps in his car. He quickly drives down to Saint James mental hospital and steps into it.

"Y/N L/N? She recently admitted herself?" He asks with a worried tone.

"Yes she did. Which means no visitors for a week. Not until we run tests." The lady at the front desk states to him looking back down at the work she was doing.

"W-What? No! I need to see her!" He exclaims.

"No. Now you can either leave or we can call security."

Paul just steps back astonished at the cold venomous tone. He hangs his head and heads back out to his car driving home.


So. Cliffhanger. Sucks man. Really does. But there will be a part two so don't be sad. Idk when it'll be out but there will be one! :) don't be sad. Don't cry, craft.

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