Sad and Lonely

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Hi. So this is kinda based off me and this person I have a crush on but they're taken. So at the same time some parts relate to me and some don't. THIS IS FLIPPING LONG. LIKE 3000 WORDS LONG BTW. Just enjoy the story tho


I was just watching them swing their hands back and forth as we head down the street.

Thankfully the mall was in view so we were close and I wouldn't have to witness this anymore as they did their shopping and I did mine. Even though it was supposed to ours.

We walked into the mall and I immediately speak up.

"You guys go on. I have some specific things I wanted to look at in stores y'all wouldn't want to be in I assume." I spit as fast as I can so I can walk away.

Before he can even answer she replies with an "ok" and drags him through the mall to whatever store.

I go up the escalator and head into Hot Topic. My job.

"Hey Y/N! You don't even work today? Wassup?" Tanner asks. We got this job together since were best friends. And no. It won't turn into anything more. He has a girlfriend. (Not irl! Or maybe he does idk tbh)

"I can't do it." I rest my head on the counter.

"Today was supposed to be us Tanner! But since this was last minute and wasn't our scheduled quote-on-quote date for tomorrow so he invited her." I sigh.

"Well it could be worse. You could hate her guts for something she did that would break Paul's heart and she could be here. Instead that's not the case. And date? What do you mean date?!" He exclaims quickly after his insightful little speech.

"No that's just what he's calling it. Ya know? A friend date." I air quote and lift up my head.

"Well here he comes now so don't freak out because he looks concerned. And now he's passed because of his girlfriend." Tanner states.

I stand up and get behind the counter. I sit down on the floor and go through and box of stickers we have because stickers are nice. (Dude dont come at me idk if they have stickers under there)

"Hey I'm Tanner. Let me know if you need help." He automatically states as he sees shoes in the store but doesn't bother look at the person and refocuses his gaze onto me and the stickers.

"Hey Tanner. Have you seen Y/N?" Paul asks.

Tanner looks down at me and I quickly shake my head and he looks up seeing that Paul wasn't alone and his girlfriend stood outside the door, almost as if she stepped foot in the store she would melt from disgust.

"No man. She left a little bit after you passed. I don't know where she went. Sorry dude."

I smiled up at Tanner as he refocused his gaze to the stickers again.

"Well what are you doing then?" I could hear Paul almost get suspicious.

"Playing with stickers man." And on that note he takes the box of stickers from me and puts it on the counter. "Why?"

Paul shrugs his shoulders as soon as I peek out of the crack from the counter gate. I don't dare move too much to make any noise and just watch Paul and his responses.

"Come on baby! We can find her later! You have her number! I want to go to Victoria Secret!" Melanie whines, Paul's girlfriend.

I roll my eyes at her annoying ass self and place a sticker that I've been holding on my converse. Paul sighs and waves at Tanner and exits the store to go hold hands with Melanie and head to whatever store she said earlier.

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