Girl in the Corner

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So this is going to be an interesting one. Not the normal super lovey-dovey that's usually in imagines. So this will probably suck
~Adam POV~

I walk down the hall with my arms tied behind my back. I look at the two guards holding onto my arms as the pretty much drag me. I shook my head and smiled. "You know I like your outfit." Joey says to the guard in my right. The guard looks at me. "I wonder which one it was this time." The guard directs to the other guard. "Joey." I reply. The guard on my left shakes his head and unlocks a door with a keycard. "You'll be in here for two hours. It's the common room. Feel free to... socialize. But stay away from the girl in the far back corner." He directs and I'm let go and pushed into the room.

'This place looks nice'. "Shut up Joey" I whisper. No one even looks at me as I entered the room. Not surprised. I look around and find people playing cards. I walk over to them and sit down. One girl looks up at me and stares. "Garbage. That's the game. I'm Kristina. That's Logan." She states and Logan doesn't look up. (If you don't know how to play garbage think of a different game. It's also called trash.) I already know how to play so Kristina hands out cards and we start. Logan goes first then me.

~Time Skip to after a few games~

"So I was told about some girl in a corner?" I ask clearly wanting to know more. Kristina looks at me intensely. "Yeah um. We're friends but be careful. She's dangerous if you're not." She replies. I open my mouth to ask another question but get interrupted. 'Dangerous! Hah bitch can come at me. I wanna see this danger' Kevin says. "Shut the fuck up." I whisper back. Kristina looks over at me. "Why are you here anyways? You seem pretty normal." She asks. "Aw why thank you my dear. Your me not so bad yourself." Joey says. "Oh shut the fuck up. No one asked you." Kevin spits out. "Heh. Heh." Jason also replies. "Shut up!" I whisper-yell. I look at Kristina. "Mixed personalities." I reply. She nods. "Anger issues for me. Suicidal for Logan." Logan doesn't move. He hasn't moved since the game ended. Suddenly Logan gets up and walks to one of the guards and speaks to one of them. They lead him out the room and down the hall to who knows where. "He's uncomfortable. When he gets too uncomfortable he has a panic attack and he gets really suicidal." She answers the question I never asked but wanted to. "Another round?" She asks shuffling the cards. I shake my head. "I want to know about the girl in the corner" I say scanning the room for her. "Her name is Y/N. She has psychosis. She's been here since her accident." She whispers while leaning in. I nod. "You honestly shouldn't know more. I wouldn't talk to her either she's dangerous. I said that right?" She asks rhetorically. I stare at her. "I'm gonna go find her." Kevin says and I stand. "Me too." I also say. Kristina looks at me. "Oh um that was Kevin." I say. She nods and then quickly realizes what I said. "No! Sit down!" She exclaims. I walk away while making sure no one is looking at me. Both guards are staring me down. I turn walking towards a tv with chairs and sit in one. "We need a distraction." Joey whispers. "No shit." Kevin replies. Jason has been quiet. Too quiet. "Jason what are you planning?" I whisper. Some of the other patients look over at me and out a finger to their lips telling me to shut up. I roll my eyes and hope for a response. None. How the hell am I going to do this.
Hi so I figured you would want to know which personality of Adam has what personality.
Joey- the jokester who finds everything funny and compliments everything
Kevin- The angry one. He's angry
Jason- The closest to normal but is the most insane too. I don't know how to describe him in words the way I think of him in my head.
Also if you didn't understand what has been happening you and Adam are in a asylum. He has mixed personalities which is where Jason, Joey, and Kevin come from. So when it says Joey or one of them says something Adam is the one talking but it's one of the personalities. This is also going to be more than one part because I can. Bye.

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