He Forgets Your Birthday Part 2

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I walk back over to my bed and lay back down, Chase takes his shoes off.
*End Of Recap*

Chase: Listen, I know I messed up really bad, I know I could've taken time out of my day to text you or call you. I know I should've remembered what today was and I'm sorry I didn't. I regret it okay. I'm so sorry Syd. I don't want you to be mad at me. I hate when you're mad at me especially when it's my fault. I know that nothing can make it up but at least accept the flowers and presents or my apology.

10 minutes go by.
Chase: I love you.

I sigh.
Sydney: I love you too but I'm still really mad at you.
Chase: Please don't be mad at me. I hate it Sydney. I don't like it when your mad, sad or upset. I messed up but I'm admitting it and I'm trying to make it better and make it up to you.

Chase stands up and walks over to my side of the bed, he kneels down on his knees and grabs my hand, he looks me in my eyes and smiles.
Chase: I know you can't help but smile when I smile especially when it's at you. I don't want you to be mad. Please forgive me? I promise I will never ever forget another special thing ever again for the rest of our lives that we spend together.
Sydney: Rest of our lives together?
Chase: I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?
Sydney: No. You really think that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together?
Chase: Yes. Of course I do. I want us to get married in the future and have kids and grow old together.

I scoot over on my bed and Chase gets up on my bed, he lays down beside me. I hug him and he hugs me back.
Sydney: I'm sorry I got so mad.
Chase: Don't be sorry. I forgot your birthday and I'm so so sorry. You can be mad at me even though I hate it but at least let me cuddle you and accept my flowers and presents.
Sydney: Chase I really didn't want any presents.
Chase: I know you didn't but I felt too bad.

Chase kisses my cheek and gets up, he turns my light on and grabs the bag. He walks back over to me and sits on the bed, I sit up and he hands me the bag. I start opening it, I pull out a few things wrapped in wrapping paper. I unwrap them and see a flower vase, a bracelet with Chase's name on it, a perfume bottle and a card.
Chase: I have the matching bracelet on my wrist except it says your name.

I smile and put the bracelet on.
Chase: Open the card.

I open the card and 2 pieces of paper falls out onto my lap, I set the card down and grab the 2 pieces of paper. I look and see that they are Shawn Mendes concert tickets, I put my hand on my mouth and look at Chase. He smiles at me.
Sydney: Chase you did not.
Chase: I did. You've been wanting to go to one of his shows for a while now and I saw that he has a show here tomorrow night so I bought tickets for us to go.

I set the tickets down and put everything in the bag. I set the bag on the ground and hug Chase, he hugs me back. I lay my head on his shoulder.
Sydney: Thank you so much. I love you.
Chase: I love you too.

I move my head and kiss him, he kisses me back. He pushes me on my back and gets on top of me, he pulls the covers over us and takes his shirt off along with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck.
Chase: Do you want to do this tonight?
Sydney: Yeah.

Chase leans down and starts kissing me again, I start unbuckling his belt. He takes his belt off and grabs a condom out of his pants, he sets it on my nightstand and takes his pants and socks off, he takes my shorts and underwear off while I take his underwear off. He grabs the condom and unwraps it, he puts it onto his dick. He lines up with me and pushes into me, I let out a moan. He covers my mouth with his hand.
Chase: Shhh. Brennen and Colby are here.

I nod my head and he removes his hand, he starts kissing me again and I kiss back. We  finish 20 minutes later, he pulls out of me and rests his head in the crook of my neck. He takes the condom off and throws it in my trash can, he starts sucking on my neck and starts giving me hickeys.
Sydney: Chase don't leave too many, Brennen will freak out.

He pulls away from my neck and kisses me again, I kiss him back.
Chase: Do you forgive me?
Sydney: Yes.

I kiss him again, a few seconds go by and there's a knock on my door.
Brennen: Sydney, who are you talking to?
Sydney: Chase.

My door starts to open.
Sydney: Don't come in!

I push Chase off of me and wrap my sheets around me, Chase grabs his underwear and throws them on as my door opens.
Brennen: What the hell do you guys think you are doing?!
Sydney: I told you not to come in Brennen!

Brennen walks towards Chase.
Brennen: Get out Chase.
Chase: No.

Brennen starts chasing him around my room.
Sydney: Brennen stop.

Chase jumps on my bed and sits beside me.
Sydney: Go away. I have like no privacy in this house. I told you not to come in and you still did.
Brennen: I only came in because I was already opening the door and I didn't expect to see you guys do this!
Sydney: Just go away.
Brennen: No! I can't trust you guys! You guys are probably going to do it if I leave your room!
Chase: No we won't.
Brennen: Yes you will.
Chase: No we won't because we already did.
Brennen: I'm going to kill you.
Sydney: Brennen get out! Go away!
Brennen: No! Not till he leaves!
Sydney: If you don't get out I'm gonna show Colby my boobs to make you mad.
Chase: Uh no you will not Sydney.
Brennen: No you won't.
Sydney: Yes I will.
Brennen: No you won't because your dating Chase and I know damn well you wouldn't do that to him.
Sydney: Just get out.
Brennen: Fine but if you get pregnant then you get pregnant.

Brennen walks out of my room shutting my door behind him, I roll my eyes.
Chase: You wouldn't actually show your boobs to Colby would you?
Sydney: No of course not. I said that because I was hoping he would leave my room after I said that.
Chase: Good because only I'm allowed to see them.

Chase kisses me again, I pull away.
Sydney: We should probably go to bed.
Chase: Okay.

I get off of my bed and grab my shorts and shirt, I put them on and shut my light off. I lay back down in my bed, Chase wraps his arms around my stomach so we're spooning.
Sydney: I love you.
Chase: I love you too. Goodnight.
Sydney: Goodnight.

We fall asleep a little bit later.

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