He Leaves You Part 4

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chase: it will take your mind off of me and you will forget about me and this is will be so much easier.
*end of recap*

sydney: i don't want to find someone else.
chase: you need to.
sydney: i can't find someone else chase. i won't be able to find someone that will make me feel how you made me feel. you were my whole world and you made me excited to get up in the morning because i knew i could look forward to talking to you. i won't be able to find anyone that i'll love more than i love you and i won't be able to find anyone that i will be able to wake up and be excited to talk to.
chase: sydney i'm so sorry. this is hard for me too. i don't want you to think about me.
sydney: that's so hard f-for me.

i start crying again.
chase: please don't cry. i love you and i always will love you.
sydney: *crying* i love y-you too and i always will. i don't know if you w-will ever come back but if you do i will always b-be here waiting for y-you. i promise.
chase: please don't waste your time waiting for me? i don't want your life to go to get wasted because of me. i'm going to hang up now because i don't know how much longer i can talk until i start crying. i love you sydney.
sydney: *crying* i love you too ch-chase.

chase hangs up a second later, i pull my phone away from my ear and set it back down on the bed beside me. i wipe my eyes and calm down a little bit later, i eventually fall asleep. i wake up the next morning around 9 am, i sit up and rub my eyes. i grab my phone and start looking at it, a few seconds go by and there's a knock at my door.
sydney: come in.

my voice comes out a bit horse, my door opens and jaden walks into my room. he shuts the door behind him and walks over to my bed, he sits down beside me. i lay my head down on his shoulder, i pull my knees up to my chest. he wraps one of his arms around me.
jaden: syd i'm sorry he's doing this. i know it's gonna be hard but we will all be here for you even bryce.
sydney: thanks jaden.
jaden: what was he saying last night?
sydney: what?
jaden: i could hear you talking to chase on the phone last night.
sydney: oh. he kept saying that i need to find someone else that will make me forget about him and that i need to find someone that will make me feel the same way he did but i don't think he understands that he was my whole world and that he was the reason that i got up every morning.
jaden: what else was he saying?
sydney: he was saying that this is hard for him too and that he will never stop loving me and that all of our plans for the future wouldn't be happening anymore and i know that i have to accept that but i don't want to.
jaden: i'm sorry sydney. i know it's going to take a while for you to feel back to yourself and i know it's going to take a while to get over this but if you need anything we're all here for you.
sydney: thanks jaden.
jaden: of course.

a couple of months have gone by since i last talked to chase and since he left, right now i'm on a mini vacation in north carolina with jaden, josh, anthony and bryce. i'm sitting by the pool at the hotel that we're staying at, i have my feet hanging in the pool and in looking down at my hands playing with my fingers. i hear the doors open and shut, i turn my head and see anthony and jaden dressed in clothes instead of swimming suits. they walk over to me and sit down besides me, i look back down at my hands.
anthony: we just wanted to let you know that we're proud of you. we know it hasn't been easy but you've done a little better every single day and we know it's been hard without chase but we're proud of you for pushing through it.
sydney: thanks.
jaden: you haven't exactly told anyone how you feel. we know your upset but there's more to it and we can tell.
sydney: if i'm gonna be honest i feel numb still. nothing really phases me anymore and everything kind of sucks.
anthony: syd how about we go get some dinner and something to eat? i know it won't take your mind off anything but it might help a little bit.
sydney: okay.

they stand up and i lift my head up, i stand up and we walk to the doors. we open the doors and walk out of the pool room, we turn left and start walking to mine and jaden's room. when we get to the room; jaden puts his key card into the slider, the light turns green and he takes out the key card. we walk into the room, i grab my suitcase and walk to the bathroom. i shut the door behind me and start getting dressed, when i finish getting dressed i brush my hair and and put my socks on. i open the bathroom door and set my suitcase back where it was, i grab my shoes and put them on.
jaden: are you ready?

i nod my head and grab my phone, we walk to the door and open it. we walk out of the hotel room and start walking to the lobby, when we get to the lobby anthony grabs a pair of car keys out of his pants.

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