You're Mad At Him

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Right now I'm sitting in my room on my bed feeding our baby, Chase is sitting next to me.
Chase: I'm gonna run back to my house really quick and get a few pairs of clothes.
Sydney: Okay. Are you going to bring Madison?
Chase: No. You're feeding her right now. I don't want to interrupt her.
Sydney: Okay.

He kisses me and I kiss him back, he gets up off of my bed and puts his shoes on. He grabs his keys and walks out of my room, I finish feeding Madison a few minutes later. I burp her and stand up, I walk over to her changing table and grab a diaper, baby wipes and an outfit for her. I walk back over to my bed and lay her down on it, I sit down in front of her and start changing her diaper. When I'm done changing her diaper I change her out of her pajamas and into her outfit, I get up and throw her diaper away and I put her pajamas in a dirty laundry basket.

(Chase's POV)
I get to my house 10 minutes later, I park my car and get out. I walk inside my house and set my keys on the counter.
Mom: Hi Chase.
Chase: Hey mom. Hey dad.
Mom: You look tired.
Chase: I am tired. Madison gets up so much during the night and me and Sydney never get any sleep anymore.
Dad: Well that's what happens when you have a baby.
Mom: We feel bad for you and Sydney hunny, we really do because you guys always look tired but you know it is your guys fault. You should've been very careful and use protection or you guys should've waited to do that stuff until you guys were older or married.
Chase: I know.
Dad: We also miss you being home. You're our own son and we only get to see you for like an hour a week. When are you coming home?
Chase: I don't know. Me and Sydney are trying to figure everything out still. Madison is only two months old and we are scared to live on our own with her until we are both eighteen and get things more situated.
Dad: Well Chase-
Mom: Cole stop. He's trying to be a dad and he's doing a good job. He's helping Sydney as much as he can. Don't listen to your dad. We do miss you a lot but we are proud of you for being with Sydney constantly and helping her instead of coming home all the time. We are also proud that you didn't leave her when you guys found out.
Chase: Thanks mom.

I yawn and rub my eyes, I walk upstairs to my room and shut my door. I quickly pack another bag, I walk over to my camera and set it up. I sit in front of it and turn it on, I start filming a video.
Chase: Hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel. I know I haven't posted a video in a while but today is a serious video. Some of you have been wondering a few questions about me and Sydney recently so I'm just here to clear some things up. One me and Sydney are still together, we have just been extremely busy for the past couple of months. Two, that baby that you guys somehow got pictures of is not her little sister or my little sister or Brennen's baby and she's not a baby that we have been babysitting. This babies name is Madison and she is actually mine and Sydney's baby. She is two months old already. We weren't exactly careful eleven months ago and we messed around and she got pregnant. Three, we won't be putting Madison online because we want her to have privacy. She's just a baby and we don't want her out there all over the internet. So please don't message me or Sydney and ask for pictures of the baby and don't go searching for pictures. The least you guys could do is respect our privacy and leave Madison alone. Four, we won't be posting a lot or be on social media a lot because we need to take time for Madison and we are working on figuring more things out. Sydney if you see this before I get back I'm sorry for doing this but our fans were starting to question us and I think it was for the best if we get everything out in the open and clear some things up. I'll see you in a bit. I love you. To my fans I love you guys too. Please respect us and our privacy.

I stop my camera and upload the video to my computer, I quickly upload the video and post it on YouTube. I grab my bag and stand up, I put my shoes back on and grab my phone. I walk out of my room and walk downstairs.
Chase: Bye mom. Bye dad. Love you guys.
Mom: Bye Chase. Love you.
Dad: Bye. Love you too.

I grab my keys and walk outside, I get in my car and start driving back to Sydney's.

(Sydney's POV)
I get a notification on my phone that Chase uploaded a new video to YouTube. I click on the notification and start watching the video, 10 minutes go by and the video ends. I hear the front door open downstairs, I grab Madison and walk to Brennen's room. I knock on the door.
Brennen: Come in.

I open the door and walk in.
Brennen: You saw the video that Chase posted didn't you?
Sydney: Yes.
Brennen: I'll take her while you guys talk about it.
Sydney: Thank you.

Brennen grabs Madison and I walk out of his room, I cross my arms and walk back into my room and see Chase. I shut my door.
Sydney: Why the hell would you do that Chase?!
Chase: I'm sorry. People were starting to wonder what's been happening. It's been eleven months Syd.
Sydney: You could've talked to me before you did that! Madison is my baby too! Not just yours! We have to make decisions together about her life!
Chase: I'm sorry!
Sydney: I didn't want people to know yet! How do you think that's gonna look for me?! It will look fine to you because your a boy but I'm a girl and it's different Chase! I'm seventeen and already have a baby! That doesn't look good for me!
Chase: Sydney I'm sorry. I really am. I know I should've asked you but you would've said no and I'm done with getting a ton of messages from fans and other social media stars asking me what's going on and what has happened! My best fucking friend doesn't even know that you were pregnant and that we have a baby! I tell everything to Josh and he doesn't even know about this!
Sydney: I am so aggravated and frustrated that I can't even look at you anymore!

I hear Madison start crying from Brennen's room, I open my door and walk out of my room slamming the door behind me. I knock on Brennen's door. 
Brennen: Come in. Again.

I walk in shutting the door behind me, I walk over to Brennen's bed and grab Madison.
Brennen: You don't seem happy.
Sydney: I'm not. He had no right to do that. We are both her parents and we both have to make decisions together.
Brennen: You know he didn't mean any harm Sydney.
Sydney: I know but it doesn't look good for me.

I walk out of Brennen's room and walk downstairs, I make Madison a bottle. I go sit on the couch and start feeding her again, 10 minutes go by and falls asleep. I set the bottle on the nightstand and recline the chair, I put a blanket over me and put Madison on my legs. I fall asleep a few minutes later, 2 hours go by and I wake up. I look and don't see Madison on my legs, I turn my head to the side and see Chase laying down with her on his chest. I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's 9 pm, I get up from the couch and walk upstairs to my room. I lay on my bed and pull the covers over me, my door opens and I close my eyes. I hear the door shut and footsteps over to Madison's crib, I hear Chase start talking.
Chase: Oh Madison, daddy messed up. He hurt mommy but he didn't mean to. I thought it would be okay to let people know that me and mommy have you but it wasn't okay. I'm scared that this is going to ruin mine and mommy's relationship. I really hope it doesn't because I love her so much and I love you so much. Even if our relationship were to get ruined I promise I will still be here for you and I will come see you every single day. I love you. Goodnight princess.

I hear more footsteps coming over to my bed, Chase gets in the bed and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck, I turn around on my side and hug Chase back. I open my eyes and he pulls me closer to his chest.
Chase: I'm so sorry Sydney.
Sydney: It's okay. I shouldn't of gotten that mad.
Chase: No it's okay. I shouldn't of posted that video without your permission because I understand what you mean now. I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to clear things up. I was getting annoyed with everyone messaging me.
Sydney: I know. It was probably for the better and I was just mad because I wanted to help make that decision.
Chase: I promise you that's the only decision about Madison's life that I will make without your permission. I promise you that.

Chase kisses me and I kiss him back.
Sydney: Okay.
Chase: Can we go to sleep now before she wakes up?
Sydney: Yeah.
Chase: Okay. I love you.
Sydney: I love you too.

I kiss Chase's cheek and we fall asleep a few minutes later.

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