Your Younger Brother Walks In On You Guys

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Right now I'm hanging out with Chase, we're in my room playing on our phones. I'm sitting on my bed while he's sitting on my computer chair.
Sydney: Chase?
Chase: What?
Sydney: I'm bored.
Chase: We could play Too Hot.
Sydney: What's Too Hot?
Chase: It's a game where two people kiss without touching each other and the first person to touch the other person looses.
Sydney: Okay.

Chase stands up and walks over to my bed, he grabs my phone and sets it on the nightstand along with his phone. We both sit on our knees on my bed, he puts his lips against mine and starts kissing me. I kiss him back, a few minutes go by and he wraps his arms around my waist.
Sydney: You loose.
Chase: I know.

Chase kisses me again, I wrap my arms around his neck. He pushes me back onto my bed, Chase lays on top of me and continues to kiss me. He takes my shirt off along with his, I reach in my drawer and grab a condom. I set it on my nightstand, he starts taking my leggings off. He leans down and starts kissing my neck, he starts leaving hickeys. I take his pants off, he starts kissing down my chest. He unhooks my bra and takes it off, he pulls my blankets over us. My door opens.
Max: What are you guys doing?

I look over and see my 7 year old brother Max standing in my doorway.
Sydney: Chase stop.

Chase stops and looks over at Max, he gets off of me and I wrap the sheets around me.
Chase: Shit.
Sydney: Max go play.
Max: No. I'm hungry.
Sydney: Go tell mom that.
Max: No. What are you guys doing?
Sydney: Nothing.
Max: I'm gonna tell mom and Brennen that you're naked in front of a boy.
Sydney: Don't Max.
Max: Why not?
Sydney: Because just don't. Okay?
Max: Mom! Brennen!
Sydney: Max stop. I'll take you for ice cream later if you stop.
Brennen: What's wrong Max?
Max: Sydney is naked in front of a boy!
Brennen: What?!

Brennen appears at my doorway.
Brennen: Go play Max.

Max walks out of my room.
Brennen: Get your clothes on now, Chase you need to leave. What the fuck do you think you guys are doing?
Sydney: Nothing. Brennen get out.
Brennen: No. This isn't okay. You guys don't need to be doing this at the age of seventeen! Get dressed now.

Brennen walks out of my room slamming the door, Chase gets up and walks over to my door. He locks it and walks back over to my bed, he gets back on top of me and we start kissing again. I wrap my arms around his neck, he goes to take off his boxers.
Brennen: Sydney! Chase! I don't hear any footsteps! Get dressed now or I'm going to get mom!

I roll my eyes along with Chase, he pulls his boxers back up and gets off of me. He grabs my clothes and hands them to me, he grabs his clothes and walks to my bathroom and starts getting dressed. I stand up and start getting dressed, a few minutes go by and Chase walks out of my bathroom. I open my door and we walk out.
Brennen: Chase you need to leave now and Sydney you're grounded for a week.
Sydney: You can't ground me. You're not my parent.
Brennen: Yes I can. I'm your older brother. Chase go. Now.

Chase walks back into my room and grabs his stuff.
Sydney: This is bull crap Brennen.
Brennen: No it's not.

Chase walks back out of my room.
Chase: Bye. I love you.
Sydney: Bye. I love you too.

Chase kisses my cheek and walks downstairs and outside.
Brennen: Go to your room.

I roll my eyes again.
Brennen: Stop rolling your eyes.
Sydney: Shut up.

I walk into my room and shut my door, I lay on my bed and start playing on my phone.

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