He Leaves You

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Right now i'm hanging out with Anthony in his room, he's sitting at his computer desk and is on Instagram Live. I'm sitting on his bed scrolling through my Twitter feed.
Anthony: Hey uh Syd?
Sydney: Yeah?
Anthony: You might want to call Chase.
Sydney: Okay. Is he okay?
Anthony: Uh i'm not sure. He just commented on my live and wants me to tell you that he loves you and Ryland commented under his comment and said "don't do this Chase. you're messing up big time."

Me and Anthony look at each other with confused looks on our face, I close out of Twitter and go to Chase's contact. I press the call button and call him, he doesn't answer so I call him a few times more. A few minutes go by and I press the call button one more time, it rings once then is sent to voicemail. I shut my phone off and look at Anthony with a lost face.
Anthony: Did he answer?
Sydney: No. He declined all of them and the last call rang once then went straight to voicemail.

I stand up off of his bed and put my shoes on, I grab my hoodie and car keys.
Sydney: I'll talk to you later. I'm heading to the house.
Anthony: Okay.

Anthony gives me a sympathetic look and I walk out of his room, I walk to the front door and walk outside. I unlock my car and walk over to it, I open my car door and get in. I set my stuff on the passenger seat and put my keys in the ignition, I buckle in and start driving to the Hype House. When I get there I park my car and grab my keys and phone, I get out of my car and lock it. I look around and don't see Chase's car anywhere, I walk up to the front door and knock on it. The door opens a few seconds later and I see Ryland, he opens the door more and I walk inside.
Sydney: Where's Chase?
Ryland: Sydney-
Sydney: Ryland where is he?
Ryland: He-

He stops for a second and then starts talking again.
Ryland: You should just go look for yourself.

I look at Ryland with a confused look, I run up the stairs with Ryland following me. I walk down the hall to Chase's room and open his door, when I open his door I see all of his stuff gone and the room completely empty except for his bed. I turn around and look at Ryland.
Sydney: Where's the camera? This is another one of his pranks, isn't it?
Ryland: No. It's not a prank. Sydney h-he left.

Tears gather in my eyes, I sit on the bed and look down at my hands.
Sydney: W-what do you mean he left?
Ryland: He packed all of his stuff and just left. He blocked most of us except for me, you, Avani and Anthony so far.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and call Chase again, it takes me straight to voicemail again. I decided to leave a message.
Sydney: Ch-Chase? Why did you leave? Did I do something? Where are you? I'm so sorry if I did something. I-I love you. Please call me back and talk to m-me.

I start crying and end the voicemail, Ryland sits down next to me. He wraps one of his arms around my arm, I lay my head on his shoulder.
Sydney: *Crying* S-so he just got up and got all of his stuff p-packed and he just l-left?
Ryland: Yeah.

A few seconds go by.
Ryland: Sydney I'm so sorry.

Someone walks into the room, I look up and see Patrick. He hands me a piece of paper, I grab it.
Patrick: I was cleaning up the kitchen and I found this piece of paper folded up with your name on it.
Ryland: Where'd you find it?
Patrick: It was on the counter by the stove.

Patrick walks out of the room and I look back down, I unfold the piece of paper and start reading what's on it.
i'm sorry. i'm done. i'm done with everything. i'm done with the small fights we get in. i'm done with everyone hating on us for being together. i'm done with you. you always say that we are/were stronger than the small fights and all the hate and that we would get through it and that every relationship has the rough spots and i believed that for a while but i don't believe it anymore. you say we will get through it but we clearly won't because all the hate and the small fights led to this so we won't make it through this. this is the hardest thing i've ever had to do but it's for the best. don't be surprised if you don't hear from me or any of my family. i'll probably block you and most of the hype members. i know this is a shitty way to break up with you but i don't think i could've done it any other way. you're free to go be with Anthony because it won't be cheating anymore. i never trusted you guys with how close you are. you went to him for almost everything. maybe you cheated and maybe you didn't but i couldn't handle it anymore. there was so many rumors spreading about you cheating constantly and a few weeks ago i started believing it. i didn't want to but it makes sense now. most of our fights were about you cheating and you would always say you that you weren't cheating and you never would but that caused a lot of trust issues between us. i know we tried to work it out and we were doing good but i just felt the need to get up and leave and forget everything we had and start a new life without you and all of my old friends in it. i still love you.


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