He Leaves You Part 2

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i still love you.
*End Of Recap*

I set the piece of paper on the bed beside me, I pull my knees up to my chest. I put my head in my knees.
Sydney: *Crying* I-I can't believe he actually did this.

Ryland hugs me tighter.
Ryland: What did the letter say?
Sydney: *Crying* It basically said that h-he's done with me and h-he's tired of everything that we've gone th-through so he broke u-up with me.
Ryland: Did it say anything else?
Sydney: *Crying* Yeah. He said he is tired of h-his old l-life so h-he blocked most of his friends and he's starting a new life and leaving everyone behind except his f-family.

A few seconds of silence pass by.
Sydney: *Crying* I-I wish this was a p-prank.
Ryland: Me too.

Ryland lays his head on top of mine.
Ryland: I'm sorry. I'm not really good at comforting people.
Sydney: *Crying* I-it's okay.
Ryland: He left some things behind if you want them?
Sydney: *Crying* Are you s-sure?
Ryland: Yes. I'll go get them.
Sydney: *Crying* Okay.

Ryland stands up and walks out of Chase's room, I move my legs from my chest. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling with tears going down my face, I grab the pillow from the headboard and hug it against my chest. I hear Ryland's voice and a few thuds coming up the stairs a couple of minutes later.
Ryland: Chase please don't hang up, you have no idea what you're doing to Sydney. She's a mess and she can't stop crying. Call her and talk to her.

I see Ryland peek his head into the room, he moves his head.
Ryland: She's laying on your bed with your pillow held to her chest and she's crying. I understand how hard things were getting but you didn't have to do this to her. She was there for you and I'm sure she'll be here for you know. She loves you and you know that.

I hear the front door open and shut, Ryland turns around and looks at the door. Thuds come up the stairs and Alex looks at me then at Ryland with a confused look.
Alex: What's going on?
Sydney: *Crying* Alex h-he left.
Alex: Who? Chase?
Ryland: I'll tell her but please don't do this. Your hurting her so much. Just call and talk her- don't hang up.

Ryland takes his phone away from his ear, he walks into Chase's room with Alex following him.
Alex: Wait what's going on?
Ryland: Chase left. He packed all of his stuff and just left and he blocked most of us and he broke up with Sydney.
Alex: Are you serious?
Ryland: Yes.

I wipe my eyes and try to calm down, I sit up.
Alex: Wow. Sydney I'm so sorry he did that.
Sydney: I-it's okay. You couldn't of done anything to stop it anyways. 
Ryland: He wants me to tell you that he's sorry it ended up like this but he loves you.
Sydney: If he really did love me he wouldn't have left or he would've talked to me in person.
Ryland: Maybe it was hard for him to talk to you in person. Here's some of his stuff that he left here.

Ryland hands me a pair of Chase's joggers and a hoodie stacked on each other with his cologne and a necklace on top of them.  
Ryland: I think that's all that he left here.
Sydney: Thank you Ryland.
Ryland: Of course. If I find anything else of his I'll let you know.

I nod my head and stand up.
Sydney: I think I'm gonna get going. It's getting late.
Alex: Okay. You're welcome here anytime. If it makes you feel better we will keep Chase's room exactly how it is.
Sydney: Please? It would mean a lot actually.
Alex: Of course.

They smile at me and I let out a small smile, we walk out of Chase's room shutting the door behind us. We walk down the stairs and to the front door, I walk out of the house and start walking back to my car. I unlock my car and put Chase's stuff in the passenger seat, I start driving back home. When I get home I park my car and grab Chase's stuff along with my phone and car keys, I get out of my car and lock it. I walk up to the front door, tears brim my eyes again. I walk to my room shutting the door behind me, I take my shoes off and collapse onto my bed. I start crying again, I grab Chase's hoodie and hug it to my chest. 10 minutes go by and my door opens, I look over at my door and see Bryce, Josh, Jaden, and Anthony walk into my room.
Josh: What happened?
Jaden: Yeah why are you crying?
Sydney: *Crying* H-he's gone.
Anthony: Who?
Sydney: *Crying* Chase. H-he broke up with me and he l-left.
Bryce: Want me to beat him up?

I shake my head no.
Jaden: So what did you mean when you said "he's gone"?
Sydney: *Crying* He posted a comment on A-Anthony's live and Ryland told him not to do something so then I tried to call Chase and h-he wouldn't answer so I went over to the hype house and when I got there m-me and Ryland went up to Chase's r-room and everything of his was gone except his bed. Th-then Patrick found a letter addressed to me and I-I read it and he said that he wanted a new life and he's tired of all of the rumors about me and A-Anthony and he's tired of all the small fights so he he said he's breaking up with me and h-he blocked most of the hype members and he just packed his stuff and l-left. H-he's not coming b-back and I don't know what to d-do.

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