You Guys Elope

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I'm sitting on Chase's bed while he's sitting on his bean bag, we're both playing on our phones.
Chase: I wanna marry you.

I smile and look up and see Chase looking at me.
Sydney: Aww bub, I wanna marry you too.

I stand up and walk over to Chase, I sit down on his lap so we're facing each other. I kiss him and he kisses me back, he wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, he pulls his lips away from mine.
Chase: No I'm serious.
Sydney: I'm serious too. I love you.

I smile again.
Chase: No like I wanna marry you now. Like as in tomorrow or this week.
Sydney: Chase. We can't. Brennen would never let me get married at the age of seventeen.
Chase: You don't have to listen to him.
Sydney: Yes I do. He has legal custody of me until I live on my own. He has to sign the papers or whatever for us to get married and he would never do that. You know that.
Chase: Then let's elope.
Sydney: You understand how serious that is, right?
Chase: Yes I do.
Sydney: Chase-
Chase: I know it's not that romantic and I'm sorry but I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you and I don't want to lose you and I love you so much that I want to spend everyday with you. I already got us approved for a house and I've really thought about this a lot Sydney. If you don't want to do it I understand and I'm sorry but I love you so much.

I kiss Chase.
Sydney: Lets do it then.
Chase: Really?
Sydney: Yes.

Chase smiles at me and kisses me, I kiss him back and he stands up. He pulls away and sets me down, he walks over to his closet and pulls out 3 suitcases.
Sydney: You already packed?
Chase: Yeah.

He smiles wide.
Chase: I'll drive you home really quick so you can pack and we'll leave tonight.
Sydney: We're leaving tonight?
Chase: Yes.
Sydney: Okay.

We smile again and we kiss each other, we slide our shoes on. I grab my phone and phone charger and put it in my back pocket, I grab two of Chase's suitcases and we walk out of his room. He knocks on his parents door and opens it.
Chase: Hey I know it's late but there's a piece of paper on the counter. Read it in the morning. Me and Sydney are gonna go elope.
Cole: What? No you guys aren't!
Chase: Yes we are. Bye.

Chase quickly shuts their room door and grabs 1 of his suitcases so he's carrying 2 of them, we run down the stairs and he grabs his keys and sets a piece of paper on the counter. We run outside and he unlocks his truck, I run and open his trunk. The front door opens and we throw his suitcases in the back of his truck, I walk to the passenger door and get in. Chase opens his door.
Tamora: Cole Chase Hudson! This better be a prank!
Chase: It's not! Love you guys!

Chase gets in and shuts his door, he starts his truck and pulls out of the driveway. He starts driving to my house, Chase grabs my hand and we lock our fingers.
Sydney: Are we really gonna do this?
Chase: Yes.

Chase smiles again and I smile at him, we get to Brennen's a few minuets later. He parks his car and we get out, I walk to the front door with him following me. We walk inside and run up to my room, I open my door and we walk in. I lock my door while Chase grabs my suitcases and starts throwing my clothes in them, I run to my bathroom and grab all of the necessities. I walk back out of my bathroom and throw them in the suitcase, we finish packing all of my stuff 20 minutes later. I grab a suitcase and Chase grabs 2 of them, I unlock my door and we walk out of my room. We walk downstairs, I go to open the door when I hear my name.
Brennen: Sydney.

I turn around and see Brennen standing by the stair case.
Brennen: Where are you going? Why do you have all of your suitcases packed?

Chase opens the door and runs out to put my suitcases in his truck.
Sydney: No where.
Brennen: Where are you going? Answer me.
Sydney: Fine. Me and Chase are eloping.

I turn around and run outside with Brennen following me, I throw my suitcase in the trunk.
Brennen: Oh hell no! Grab your shit and get back inside! You aren't gonna go elope!
Sydney: Bye Brennen!

Me and Chase get in his truck and he starts driving again.
Chase: God I love you so much.
Sydney: I love you so much too.

Chase stops at a red light and kisses me, I kiss him back.

Go check out my new book Waud Twins Imagines🙂

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