You Guys Find Out You're Pregnant And He's Live

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(Chase's POV)
I'm sitting in my on my bed in my room with my phone in my hand, I get a text from Sydney.
💜Sydney💜: Can I come over?
🥰Bub🥰: Yes of course♥️
💜Sydney💜: Okay, I'm on my way.
🥰Bub🥰: Is everything okay?
💜Sydney💜: Yeah, I'm fine. I just want to see you.
🥰Bub🥰: Okay, I love you😘
💜Sydney💜: I love you too.

I close out of the app and go to Instagram, I go live.
Chase: Hey guys, how are you?

I start reading some comments.
Chase: Where's Sydney? She's on her way here right now actually.

I smile.

(Sydney's POV)
I grab the positive pregnancy tests, I wipe my eyes and grab my phone, charger, keys and my wallet. I walk out of my room and run down the stairs, I go to open the door.
Brennen: Where the hell do you think you're going? It's ten pm.
Sydney: I-I need to go to Chase's.
Brennen: What for?
Sydney: I just need to talk to him Brennen.
Brennen: Why? What's in your hand?
Sydney: Nothing. Brennen I really need to go.
Brennen: Show me what's in your hand.

He walks over to me and grabs a pregnancy test out of my hand, he looks at it. I get tears in my eyes again and he looks back up at me.
Brennen: What the fuck Sydney!
Sydney: I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I-it was an accident. Can I please go to Chase's now?
Brennen: Fine but I can not believe you guys.

I grab the pregnancy test and walk outside, I get into my car and start driving to Chase's. When I get there I park my car and get out, I walk to the door and knock on it. The door opens a few seconds later.
Cole: Hi Sydney, Chase is in his room.
Sydney: Okay. Thank you.

I walk in and walk to Chase's door, I open it.

(Chase's POV)
My door opens and Sydney walks in, she shuts the door behind her.
Chase: Hi-
Sydney: Chase I'm pregnant.

She starts crying.
Chase: Shit Syd, I'm live.

I look back at my phone, I quickly end my live and set my phone down. She comes over to me and lays next to me, she lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

(Sydney's POV)
Sydney: *Crying* I'm so sorry Chase.
Chase: It's okay. Only about five thousand people know now.
Sydney: *Crying* I'm sorry. I don't know how this happened.
Chase: I mean like, I shouldn't have to explain that-
Sydney: *Crying* That's not w-what I mean. We were always safe when we did it.
Chase: Maybe the condom broke. That's the only thing that I can think of happening because I always used a condom.
Sydney: *Crying* I'm so so sorry Chase. I didn't mean for this to happen.
Chase: It's okay. Just calm down. It's going to be alright.

Chase flips us so we're laying on our sides, he pulls me closer to him. I wipe my tears and calm down, I wrap my arms around him. He kisses the top of my forehead.
Chase: When did you find out?
Sydney: Like an hour ago.
Chase: What even made you think to take a pregnancy test?
Sydney: I haven't been feeling very good these past few days and I got scared so I thought I was pregnant but I was too scared to take a test and way too scared to tell you but then I realized that if I took some then we would know or not.
Chase: You don't need to be afraid to tell me anything. I will always be here for you. You can tell me anything. I don't want you to be scared to tell me anything Syd.
Sydney: I know. It's just scary.
Chase: Well it shouldn't be. I love you.
Sydney: I love you too.

He kisses my forehead.
Chase: We will get all of this figured out. We'll both be eighteen in a few months so we can save up and get our own house or our own apartment and we can have our own little happy family. Everything is going to be okay. Okay?
Sydney: Okay.

I grab the ends of Chase's shirt and hold onto them with my fists, my grip loosens up as I start to drift off to sleep.

(Chase's POV)
Sydney's grip keeps loosening on my shirt as time passes by, I look down at her and see her asleep. I pull my blankets over us and I fall asleep a little bit later.

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