You Leave Him Because You're Pregnant Part 2

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I start crying, Anthony walks us over to the couch. We sit down on the couch.
Anthony: Why?
Sydney: *Crying* Because I'm pregnant.
*End Of Recap*

Anthony: What? Are you serious?
Sydney: *Crying* Y-yes.
Anthony: When did you find out?
Sydney: *Crying* A few weeks ago.

I pull away from the hug and grab my bag, I unzip it and grab my pregnancy tests. My phone starts ringing, Anthony grabs it.
Anthony: It's Chase. Do you want to answer it?

I shake my head no and he declines the call, Anthony sets my phone down and I hand him the pregnancy tests. He grabs them and looks at them.
Anthony: Oh my god Sydney. Does Chase know?
Sydney: *Crying* No. That's w-why I broke up with him. He doesn't want to be a dad yet. I don't want to ruin it for him.
Anthony: You need to tell him.
Sydney: *Crying* I c-can't. Please don't tell him A-Anthony? Please don't tell anyone?
Anthony: Okay I won't tell anyone but only because you don't want me to. Who all knows?
Sydney: *Crying* You, Brennen, Josh and Josh's mom.

Anthony nods his head and hands me back the pregnancy tests, I put them back in my bag. I zip my bag up and set it on the floor, I pull my knees up to my chest and put my head on my knees. Anthony leans back further on the couch and starts rubbing my back.
Anthony: So you're planning to do this all on your own?
Sydney: *Crying* Yeah. I guess.
Anthony: Don't you think that it would be a bit easier if Chase was there to help you though?
Sydney: *Crying* Maybe. I-I just don't want to t-tell him. He's gonna hate me.
Anthony: He's not gonna hate you. He could never hate you even if he wanted to. He loves you too much.
Sydney: *Crying* I think he would hate me though. I don't want him to k-know.
Anthony: Okay. He won't find out then.

A few seconds go by and my phone starts ringing again, I lift my head up and grab my phone and see that Chase is calling again. I press the decline button, my phone starts blowing up with texts messages from Chase. I unlock my phone and go to our messages, I change his contact name and start reading the messages.
💔Chase Hudson💔: Syd why are you doing this?
💔Chase Hudson💔: What's going on? Are you okay?
💔Chase Hudson💔: You can't just break up with me with no explanation.
💔Chase Hudson💔: You said that it's not working out, what's not working out? Did I do something?
💔Chase Hudson💔: Please don't do this. I love you.
💔Chase Hudson💔: Why aren't you at your house? Where are you? We need to talk about this. I can fix it.
💔Chase Hudson💔: I promise I can fix this.
💔Chase Hudson💔: I love you💔💜

I shut my phone off and set it down, a few minutes go by and we hear a car door shut. Me and Anthony turn around and look out the window, we see Chase,s car parked in the driveway and he's walking to the front door looking at his phone. I quickly stand up and grab my bags, I wipe my eyes and stop crying.
Sydney: Please don't tell him I'm here?
Anthony: But your car is here.
Sydney: Just tell him I just parked it here and went to Paisley's.
Anthony: Sydney-
Sydney: Please Anthony?
Anthony: Fine.

There's a knock at the door.
Anthony: Go hide upstairs in my room.

I nod my head and run upstairs to Anthony's room, I walk into his room shutting the door behind me. I sit on Anthony's bed and hug my knees to my chest, I lay my head on my knees.

(Anthony's POV)
Sydney runs up to my room shutting the door behind her, I walk to the front door and open it. Chase walks in, I shut the door behind him.
Chase: Where's Sydney? I know she's here. Her car is here.
Anthony: She's not here.
Chase: Anthony that's bullshit. Where is she? I'm so desperate to talk to her right now.
Anthony: Chase I told you that she's not here.
Chase: Then why is her car here?
Anthony: Because she went back to Paisley's house with her. She came over here and Paisley was already here so she just left her car here and went with Paisley.

Chase sighs and sits on the couch, he puts his head in his hands and moves his beanie back.
Chase: If you hear from her can you please let me know and let her know that I want to fix this?
Anthony: Yeah.
Chase: I just don't know what I did.
Anthony: I don't think you did anything. Maybe she's just going through a rough time again like she did last year where she doesn't want to be with anyone.
Chase: I think I-I obviously did something though. She knows that if it was happening again then I would be with her through it all.

Chase lifts his head up and tears start welling in his eyes, I sit back on the couch and grab my phone from my pocket. I go to my messages with Sydney, I start texting her.
👅Anfony👅: Chase is about to start crying. Syd you're tearing this boy apart. Maybe you should tell him.
🤠Sydney🤠: He's gonna be mad at me and I don't want him to know because it's gonna mess his life up.
👅Anfony👅: He's not going to be mad you. I can tell he won't. He just wants to talk to you Sydney.
🤠Sydney🤠: Anthony I'm not telling him. I don't want this baby to mess up his life.
👅Anfony👅: It's not gonna mess his life up. I think he will be happy.
🤠Sydney🤠: He won't. It's my choice and I'm deciding not to tell him.
👅Anfony👅: I'm sending him up to my room. Just talk to him.
🤠Sydney🤠: Anthony no.

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