He Tries To Annoy You

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(Chase's POV)
I'm heading over to Sydney's house to hangout with her, I set my camera on my dash and start driving to Sydney's.
Chase: Hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel. I'm on my way to Sydney's to hangout with her and today I thought I would do a prank or whatever you want to call it where I try to annoy her and see how long she will tolerate it.

I get to Sydney's a few minutes later, I park my car.
Chase: Okay so I just got to her house. I will start filming again when I start to annoy her.

I pause my camera and put it in my bag, I get out of my car and walk up to her front door. I knock on it.

(Sydney's POV)
I open the door and see Chase, he walks in. I shut the door behind him.
Sydney: Hi.
Chase: Hey.

He kisses my cheek and we walk to my room.
Sydney: I'm going to the bathroom really quick.
Chase: Okay.

I walk to my bathroom and shut the door behind me, I walk out of the bathroom a few minutes later and see Chase sitting on my computer chair playing on his phone.
Sydney: What do you want to do?
Chase: We could go get something to eat.
Sydney: Okay. Where at?
Chase: Denny's?
Sydney: Okay.

He stands up and reaches in his bag.
Sydney: What are you doing?
Chase: I'm gonna film a vlog today.
Sydney: Oh.

He takes his camera out of his bag and we walk out of my room, I walk downstairs and see Brennen in the backyard. I walk to back door and open it.
Sydney: Me and Chase are going to Denny's.
Brennen: Okay.

I shut the door and me and Chase walk to the front door and walk outside, we walk to his car and get in. He turns his camera on and sets it on his dash and starts filming, he turns his car on and starts driving to Denny's. A few minutes go by and the light turns yellow, he looks at me and slams on the brakes. My body leans forward and slams against the seat, I turn and look at Chase. He laughs.
Sydney: Chase really? You didn't need to do that. We aren't even that close to the light.
Chase: *Laughs* Sorry.

The light turns green and he starts driving again, when we get to Denny's he parks his car and we get out. He grabs his camera and locks his car, we walk into Denny's. He walks behind me.
Waiter: Just two of you?
Sydney: Yeah.
Waiter: Okay. Follow me.

We start following the waiter to a booth, Chase slaps my butt. I turn and look at him.
Sydney: We're in a public place. Stop.

I turn back around continue to follow the waiter, we get to a booth and sit down. When we finish eating we leave the restaurant and start walking to his car, he slaps my butt again. I roll my eyes and we get in his car, he sets his camera back on his dash cam and puts his hand on my knee. I buckle in along with him, he leans over and starts kissing my neck.
Sydney: Chase knock it off. If you want to do that at least wait till we get back to my house.

He smiles against my neck and moves his head, he backs out of the parking lot and starts driving back to my house. When we get back to my house he parks his car and we get out, he grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. Chase walks into the house, he walks up to my room and opens the door. He puts me on my bed and lays beside me, I lay my head on his chest.
Sydney: I'm tired. We should take a nap.
Chase: Okay.

I close my eyes and a few minutes go by, he starts poking me.
Sydney: I'm really tired Chase. Do you have to do that?

He doesn't answer me, I lay my head back over onto my pillow. I turn and lay on my stomach, I feel him moving around on the bed. A few seconds pass by and he gets up and lays back down a few seconds later, he starts slapping my butt again.
Sydney: Chase stop.
Chase: Why?
Sydney: Because I'm tired and I want to take a nap.
Chase: Why?
Sydney: Chase just let me sleep.
Chase: Why?

I groan.
Chase: Do you want a back rub?
Sydney: No.
Chase: Why?
Sydney: Because every time you give me a back rub it's turns into something else.
Chase: But I want to mess around.
Sydney: I don't.

He starts poking me.
Sydney: Stop.

He starts poking me.
Chase: I love you. I love you. Sydney I love you.
Sydney: I love you too now stop and let me sleep.

Chase slaps my butt again but this time really hard, I turn around and sit up and look at Chase. He sits up and smiles at me.
Sydney: Seriously stop. I love you to death but you are getting on my last fucking nerve Chase. I don't mean to hurt your feelings but you are being so annoying today. Like is something wrong? You're being really touchy today and I want to know why?
Chase: *Laughs* I'm sorry. It's a prank. That's why I've been filming all day. It was the "Annoying My Girlfriend Prank".

Chase gets off of my bed and grabs his camera from my shelf and walks back over to me, he points it at my face. He grabs my cheeks with one of his hands and squishes them together.
Chase: I love you. I'm sorry.

He leans down and kisses me, I smile and he lets go of my cheeks. He does his outro and lays back down next to me again, he sets his camera in his bag.
Sydney: Can we take a nap now?
Chase: Yeah.

I lay my head on his chest, he wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep.

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