You Have A Boyfriend But He Likes You Part 2

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A few seconds go by and we hear the front door open and close, Anthony walks back into the living room and sits down on the couch beside me. A few hours go by and Jaden leaves.
*End Of Recap*

After Jaden leaves I stand up off of the couch, I grab my phone and walk upstairs to mine and Anthony's shared bedroom. I shut the door and walk over to our bed, I lay down on the bed and unlock my phone. I go to my messages with Chase and message him.
☺️Sydney☺️: Chase, me and Jaden heard everything Anthony said to you. Don't listen to him. He can't tell you who you can and can't talk to and if you still want to hangout and talk then that's fine. Anthony is being a big jerk about this whole situation.
😈Chase😈: I'm not supposed to be in contact with you.
☺️Sydney☺️: Chase please? Who cares what Anthony says. He can't tell you what to do.
😈Chase😈: He said he would ruin my career and that he would mess me up.
☺️Sydney☺️: You're career can't be ruined by Anthony just because he's mad and jealous. You don't have to let it be ruined by him. He's just trying to scare you and he doesn't have any fighting skills whatsoever.
😈Chase😈: Syd, you're one of my best friends and Anthony scares me a bit especially now that he's your boyfriend because he's way more protective and who knows what he can do. I'm sorry.
☺️Sydney☺️: Don't let him scare you and ruin our friendship.
😈Chase😈: It's already been ruined.
☺️Sydney☺️: No it hasn't.
😈Chase😈: Yes it has. You know that I like you now.
☺️Sydney☺️: If you think that's gonna effect how I act around you and if you think it's gonna be awkward then you're wrong. Chase please don't call off our friendship because Anthony is being an asshole?
😈Chase😈: I'm sorry Syd.
☺️Sydney☺️: Chase?
☺️Sydney☺️: Really?

It shows that he read it but he's not responding, the bedroom door opens and Anthony walks into the bedroom. He shuts the door behind him, I close out of my messages with Chase and turn my phone off. I set it on the nightstand, Anthony gets in the bed and lays down next to me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to his chest, he turns us over on our sides and he starts kissing my neck. I pull away from him.
Sydney: Not tonight.
Anthony: Why?
Sydney: Because I'm just not in the mood.
Anthony: Then I can help you get into the mood.

He goes to kiss my neck again, I pull farther away from him and push his arms off of me.
Anthony: What's wrong?
Sydney: Nothing Ant.

I turn around on my other side so my back is facing Anthony, I pull the covers and blankets over me.
Anthony: Sydney somethings wrong. What is it?
Sydney: I said nothing. I just want to go to bed.
Anthony: Oh okay.

A few seconds go by and Anthony gets up and turns the lights off, he gets back on the bed and wraps his arms around me so we're spooning.
Sydney: Don't touch me.
Anthony: Damn okay.

Anthony takes his arms away from me and turns around so our backs are facing each other, I wake up a few hours later to a bright tv light. I rub my eyes and roll over so I'm laying on my back, I open my eyes and look at the wall and see that our tv is on. I yawn and look at Anthony, I see that he has all of his attention on the tv in front of us. I turn my head back to the side and pull the blankets a little more over to me, I try to go back to sleep. A few seconds go by and I start to feel eyes watching me, I open my eyes again and turn around. I see Anthony looking at me.
Sydney: What? Why are you staring at me?
Anthony: Something's wrong and I know it for a fact. What's bothering you?
Sydney: Nothing Anthony. It's like two a.m. I'm gonna go back to sleep.
Anthony: Please talk to me? I know something is bothering you Sydney. How can I help?
Sydney: Stop getting so jealous and change your attitude towards some people. That's how you can help.
Anthony: What are you talking about?
Sydney: Don't play stupid. You know what I mean.
Anthony: Is this about Chase?
Sydney: Yes.
Anthony: I don't trust him around you anymore now that I know he likes you Syd.
Sydney: Who cares Anthony. You can't decide who I can and can't be friends with. I heard everything you said to Chase and you just ruined mine and his friendship.
Anthony: You don't understand my point of view though. I'm sorry that I ruined yours and his friendship but you don't see it how I see it.
Sydney: No I don't see it how you see it but I know that if the same situation happened and it had been reversed and I found out a girl liked you then maybe yeah I would be a little jealous but I wouldn't tell her any of the things you told Chase. I would be completely fine with you guys still being friends.
Anthony: Well we're clearly different people Sydney.
Sydney: Yeah clearly Anthony.

I roll back over and sit up, I get out of the bed and go to walk to the bedroom door. Anthony gets out of the bed and walks over to me, he grabs my wrist. I turn around and look at him.
Anthony: Sydney I'm sorry and I understand why you're mad but I don't want him around you.
Sydney: Why? Because he likes me? That's not a real reason. Give me a real reason.
Anthony: That is a real reason.

I rip my wrist out of Anthony's grip.
Sydney: No it's not.

I walk over to the closet and open it, I grab a extra blanket and pillow. I shut the closet door and walk back over to Anthony, I shove the blanket and pillow against his chest. He grabs it and looks at me, I shove him out of our room.
Sydney: Until you give me a real reason then you can sleep on the couch Anthony.

I shut the door in his face and lock it, I walk back over to the bed and lay back down. I turn the tv off, I pull the covers over to me more and fall back asleep a few minutes later.

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